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Design And Static Test of Machine Paving Block Mix EFB With Simulation
Binar Maruli Tua P, Robert Silaban, Saut Purba, Agus Noviar P

Medan State University, Faculty of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering


Brick or paving block is one of the building materials made from a mixture of cement, sand or similar adhesives, reduce the use of sand which is currently increasing, it is necessary to develop paving blocks with additional biomass waste. Biomass waste from Palm Oil, namely empty oil palm fruit bunches (EFB) which can be used fiber palm empty fruit bunches (EFB), in the utilization of Fiber EFB for the manufacture of paving blocks requires the use of the right tools in the printing process, while the use of tools and material selection needs to be done in the production process. the design process and simulation analysis to avoid product failures and work accidents, while the compressive strength in the paving block molding process reaches 15000 N/m^{2} - 40000 N/m^{2}, this is to produce maximum paving blocks, in the proces of simulating the strength of the tool using simulation, stress , strain, displacement, and safety factor values are obtained, while the pressure value is 15000 N/m^{2} with a maximum stress value of 3.621x10^{7} N/m^{2} at a safety factor of 1.46x 10^{10}10, where the maximum deformation is 0.1589 mm and the strain is 0.01081 mm. At a pressure of 40000 N/m^{2}, the maximum stress value is 5.866 x 10^{7} N/m^{2} at a safety factor of 9.035 , where the maximum deformation that occurs is 0.2591 mm and strain is 0.01775 mm, in this case the material is still in a safe condition seen of the stress analysis value and the stress of the material used.

Keywords: Design, Analysis, EFB, machine, Paving Block

Topic: Applied Sciences-Computers and Engineering

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