Analysis of Student Responses to Communal Spaces in Universitas Negeri Medan Universitas Negeri Medan Abstract Communal space on campus is one of the place where educational services occur. Furthermore, it becomes a place for social interaction, ranging from private to public activities carried out between the academic community. The phenomenon of communal spaces at Universitas Negeri Medan (Unimed) shows an alarming condition. This can be seen from the lack of student activities facilitation in their community activities such as discussing and developing themselves after the lecture process ends. The tag line of Unimed is The Character Building University which wants to build the character of the nation^s educators. It turns out that the academic atmosphere is not supportively. This study uses quantitative and qualitative methods with field observations, questionnaires and mapping approaches. The results of this study indicate the significance of the need for communal spaces related to improving facilities and designs in communal spaces in supporting non-lecture activities and other activities. Keywords: analysis, student responses, communal space, universitas negeri medan Topic: Applied Sciences-Computers and Engineering |
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