Multi-Sensors Module Development Using Microcontroller Eka Dodi Suryanto (a*), Marwan Affandi (a)
a) UNIVERSITAS NEGERI MEDAN, Jalan Willem Iskandar, Pasar V Medan Estate, Percut Sei Tuan, Deli Serdang 20221
Sensors and transducers are one of the theoretical courses that must be followed by all students Electrical Engineering Department. Practicum implementation using team based project method is still not optimal yet. This is due to the lack of practical equipment (trainers) in accordance with the learning outcomes of the subject. One of learning achievement from sensor and transducer course is students have knowledge and skills for the concepts, characteristics, circuits and implementation of sensors and transducers. The focus of this research is how to develop a multi-sensors practicum module and its guideline based on the learning outcomes of sensor and transducer course. The results of this study include a study of theory and application of sensor components, transducer components, actuators, controllers and various series of control system applications in industry. Materials that presented in this modul is a combination of the trainer component of the sensor transducer and the application of a series of industrial instrumentation systems. The multi-sensor practicum module has 16 experiments that can still be developed. The test results show that this module is very suitable to be used as teaching material to support the theory and practicum of sensors and transducers course.