Analysis Of The Addition Of 10% Lime On The Strength Of Free Pressure of Humbang Hasundatan^s Soil Peat Suhairiani Suhairiani- Nahesson H Panjaitan- Enny Keristiana Sinaga
Universitas Negeri Medan
Knowledge of Civil Engineering in the field of Geotechnical engineering, especially in terms of soil stabilization, can be used as the development and utilization of soil materials such as peat soil in the Humbang Hasundutan district, as land use in road subgrade construction work to be tested with a pressure test free (UCS). This study uses experimental methods carried out in the laboratory, by conducting tests to obtain new soil parameter data by trying the lime variation of 10%. The results to be achieved in this study are to see the effect of soil strength on variations in lime mixture which can later be used as new soil material in road subgrade construction work