Deni Rahman Marpaung (a*), Raswin (b), Muhammad Ishak (c), Indra Kasih (d)

a) Sport Science Study Program, Medan State University. Medan-Indonesia.
b) Physical Education, Health and Recreation Study Program, Medan State University. Medan-Indonesia.
c) Physical Education, Health and Recreation Study Program, Medan State University. Medan-Indonesia.
d) Physical Education, Health and Recreation Study Program, Medan State University. Medan-Indonesia


Basically, this research is focused on coaches and PJOK teachers in seeing or looking for volleyball athletes. This study aims to get a clearer, more complete picture and information, as well as allowing and easy for researchers to conduct observational research on the description of the ideal athlete^s specifications according to the anthropometric ratio.
This research was carried out in several steps, namely: identifying potentials and problems, gathering information, product design, product manufacturing, expert validation, product revision, testing, final production. The final product in this study is a volleyball athlete talent scouting manual based on anthropometric ratios. This handbook was first validated by volleyball experts and test and measurement experts. The product trial was carried out on male volleyball athletes from Deli Serdang with 18 respondents as subjects. The small group test consisted of 6 respondents, while in the large group test there were 12 respondents. Types of data collection with the instrument in the form of a questionnaire.
The results showed that the volleyball athlete talent scouting manual based on anthropometric ratios was very feasible. These results were obtained from the validation results from a) volleyball experts by 96% or very feasible- b) measurement test expert by 93% or Very feasible- c) small group trial of 81% or very feasible- d) large group trial with a result of 94% or very feasible. The talent scouting guide book for volleyball athletes based on anthropometric ratios is very suitable to be used as a medium to find or see prospective volleyball athletes.

Keywords: Books, talent scouting, volleyball

Topic: Applied Sciences and Information Technology

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