Hybrid Communication Approach for Psychotropic Drug Addiction Therapy in Bandung Anne Maryani (a*), O. Hasbiansyah (a), Oji Kurniadi (a)
a) Faculty of Communication, Bandung Islamic University Jalan Tamansari 24-26, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
The quality of a nation, among other things, depends on the quality of its components, namely its young generation. The productive age of the Indonesian nation, which is the majority and becomes the demographic bonus in 2045, ideally is not only large quantitatively to be called the golden age but is filled by physically and mentally qualified young people. However, efforts to build a quality generation cannot be separated from obstacles with many generations young people who depend on psychotropic drugs so that it can damage their future. Of course, this needs to be anticipated so that the Indonesian nation avoids the moral degradation of the nation, especially the younger generation, because drug users among teenagers are increasing from year to year. Prevention and treatment of people with psychotropic drug dependence among adolescents requires the integration of various elements of society and various approaches. One of the efforts that can be done is also with a hybrid approach to complementary communication, such as conventional communication with new media communication, social communication with spiritually based communication. Based on these conditions, the research focus was arranged on how ^a hybrid communication approach for therapy of people with psychotropic drug dependence in the city of Bandung^. The purpose of this study to analyze- 1) Activities carried out by patients in self-healing from dependence on psychotropic drugs, 2) Hybrid communication approach used for therapy for patients with psychotropic drug dependence in Bandung, 3) Why is hybrid communication used for therapy for patients with psychotropic drug dependence in Bandung City. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data collection techniques by means of interviews, observations, and references. The data validity technique was also carried out to obtain valid qualitative data. Informants were selected by purposive sampling on informants relevant to the research
Keywords: Hybrid communication- therapy- Patients with psychotropic drug dependence