Preference Survey of Newspaper Readers in the Digital Era Quantitative Descriptive Study of Public Preferences Pikiran Rakyat Daily Newspaper Communication Faculty, Universitas Islam Bandung Abstract The mass media industry continues to grow along with digital technological developments. Print mass media is now considered to be on the verge of extinction due to the development of online media. However, print media still has a segmented audience in society. Print media such as the Pikiran Rakyat^s Daily Newspaper need to implement a strategy in retaining their readers. Pikiran Rakyat requires preference data from its audience. So this study tries to describe the preferences of print media audiences regarding the format, appearance, color, and typeface that are in accordance with the interests and desires of readers in consuming newspapers. The research uses a survey method to get an objective picture of audience preferences. The sample was obtained using purposive sampling technique based on the population of potential readers in West Java. The number of samples collected was 1540 respondents. The survey data was collected using a questionnaire through an online form which was distributed in the areas of potential readers of Pikiran Rakyat. Data analysis was carried out using non-parametric statistical test techniques by describing the actual situation in the respondent^s choice. The results showed that most of the audience of Pikiran Rakyat Newspaper wanted a change in the format and appearance of the newspaper to be more practical, efficient, but containing news that was in accordance with the needs of the community. The audience is also more interested in the colorful tabloid format with pictures and illustrations in the news. Keywords: Preference, Audience, Print Media, Newspaper, Pikiran Rakyat Topic: Media, Journalism, and Information |
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