Social Media in the Context of Online Business Communication
Neni Yulianita(a*), Tresna Wiwitan (b), Oji Kurniadi (b), Erik Setiawan (b)

Universitas Islam Bandung


Optimizing the use of social media has become a concern for online businesses. In the era of the pandemic, many people stay at home and use online media to make ends meet. This phenomenon attracted the Community Service team to conduct training on ^Social Media in the Context of Online Business Communication^ for business managers at the Darul Arqom Garut Islamic boarding school as a training target. The purpose of the training is to empower the community, produce, and equip five new independent entrepreneurs based on Science and Technology who are ready to work in the community, so that they can increase their income through skills in managing communication and building online businesses. The results of the training showed an increase in the skills of the participants in managing online businesses as seen from the test results before and after the training. Participants generally recognize, understand, and can develop their abilities, skills, and skills in using social media, especially Instagram and YouTube. The training has also helped empower the community to develop their business by promoting their products on social media so that their business results are not only consumed by a limited circle of the surrounding community, but more broadly to reach a larger market.

Keywords: Online Business Communication- Social Media- Science and Technology-Based New Entrepreneurs- Community Empowerment

Topic: New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers

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