Assistance for Increasing Social Entrepreneurs in Digital Media for Odapus and Low Vision Entrepreneurs
1Firmansyah, 2Arbaiyah Satriani, 3Andalusia Neneng P., 4Ratri Rizki K., 5Septiawan S.K.

12345Universitas Islam Bandung


Odapus and low vision have abilities and intelligence like people in general. However, in society, the presence of the odapus and low vision groups often does not get the opportunity. This problem finally arises at the opportunity to open employment opportunities. In the end, people with odapus and low vision try to get income through entrepreneurship. The problems experienced by people with lupus and low vision lie in developing their potential in society, especially in terms of livelihood. The Syamsi Dhuha Foundation is one of the foundations engaged in assisting people with lupus (odapus) with low vision sufferers to be able to participate in community life. In discussions with the management of the Syamsi Dhuha Foundation, it was found that people with odapus and low vision have some need for increased knowledge in selling products sold by entrepreneurs. So to help overcome this problem, assistance in social entrepreneurship is needed. Social entrepreneurship or social entrepreneurship is a way or approach to solving social problems through business strategy. In community service activities (PKM) Assistance is carried out to Improve Social Entrepreneurs in Digital Media for Odapus and Low Vision Entrepreneurs. Assistance is carried out within a business development framework through digital media with the ABCD (Assets Based Community Development) concept approach carrying out five key steps, namely Discovery, Dream, Design, Define, and Destiny. The results of the assistance are evaluated at each stage in the ABCD concept by looking at the effectiveness in the continuity of the process which results are effective in helping Odapus and low vision entrepreneurs in developing digital marketing.

Keywords: Literacy, Digital, Odapus, Low Vision, Social Entrepreneurship

Topic: Media, Journalism, and Information

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