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Use of Military Power Through the Joint Special Operations Command in Eradicating Criminal Acts of Terrorism
Dini Dewi Heniarti, Mujahid, Anita Puspawati

Fakultas Hukum Unisba


Handling acts of terrorism is part of Military Operations Other Than War and Military Operations of War. The TNI carries out its main duties, in accordance with Article 7 Paragraph 2 Letter b Number 3 Law Number 34 of 2004. In Articl The establishment of the TNI Komando Operasi Khusus Gabungan ( Koopsus) which was tasked with organizing and supporting special operations against strategic targets that required high speed and success, further narrowed the role of the Komando Koopsus in countering terrorism. Profile of Koopsus was formed on 9 June 2015 by General Moeldoko as the TNI Commander at that time. This team is a combination of special forces from three TNI dimensions, namely Sat-81 (Kopassus TNI AD), Denjaka (Kopaska and Yontaifib TNI AL), and Satbravo-90 (Paskhas TNI AU). The special troops from each of these dimensions are united with the intention of being able to accommodate the specifications of the expertise of each unit which is known as the best troop, so that it can operate with confidence in success that cannot be doubted. The basic idea of forming a joint three-dimensional special forces was due to the fact that around 2002 to 2013 there were cases of terrorism involving bombings and shootings in several areas or points in Indonesia. The incidents involving international-scale terrorism became the Koopsus headquartered at the Headquarters of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, with personnel members from Sat-81 Kopassus TNI AD, Denjaka TNI AL, and Sat-Bravo TNI AU. For now, all of these units are still at their respective unit Headquarters, but are always on standby should they be operated or deployed at any time. One of the reasons or factors driving the formation of a three-dimensional integrated special force.

Keywords: Military Operation Other than War, Terrorism, Indonesian Armed Forces

Topic: Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective

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