The Dawn Sky Kadzib: Quran and Hadith Perspective Encep Abdul Rojak (a), Fahmi Fatwa Rosyadi Satria Hamdani (a*), Shindu Irwansyah (a), Nisfa Lailah Syaban (a), M. Akmal Saifullah (a)
a) Faculty of Sharia, Universitas Islam Bandung
Jalan Tamansari 24-26 Bandung
*) fatwa19[at]
The light of dawn kazib is part of the study of Islamic Astronomy, especially in determining the start of Fajr. This article aims to explain the concept of Fajar Kazib from the perspective of the Koran and related hadiths. The method used in this study is qualitative with a thematic interpretation approach. Data collection techniques with documentation studies, while data analysis techniques using concept analysis. The results of this study explain that the light of dawn kazib clarifies whether or not someone may eat when they want to fast with the terms white thread and black thread. Its meaning is distinguishing the night^s darkness and the light of day. The specification of the study of Fajr Kazib is then explained in the Hadith that there are two types of Fajr, namely Fajr, which does not justify the Fajr prayer / it is permissible to eat Suhoor and Fajr which permits Fajr prayer / it is not acceptable to eat Suhoor. Humans know the signs of the two dawns from the phenomenon of the zodiac light in the eastern sky in the morning.
Keywords: The Dawn Kazib, Islamic Astronomy, Quran, Hadith
Topic: Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective