Communication Skills in Efforts to Reduce Disaster Risk: A Case Study of Cimahi Region Scout Leaders^
Sophia Novita, Tresna Wiwitan, Neni Yulianita, Respitawulan

Universitas Islam Bandung


An essential step for disaster risk reduction is disaster mitigation. Disaster mitigation is a series of efforts to reduce disaster risk through physical development, awareness, and capacity building to deal with disaster threats. The ability and skills to communicate messages about disasters to the public, government, media, and opinion leaders are not only needed in emergencies. Still, they are also important to always be alert and prepare people in disaster-prone areas who are always on standby to reduce risks, save lives, and the impact of disasters, through soft power and hard power approaches. This study aims to determine the disaster communication skills of scout coaches in the Kwartir Branch of the Scout Movement, Cimahi City. The method in this research is qualitative with a case study approach. The results of this study are the communication skills of the scout coaches who use risk mitigation in various conditions, such as during pre-disaster, during disaster, and post-disaster, by utilizing multiple communication media from different types of media.

Keywords: disaster communication, scout coaches, risk anticipation

Topic: Media, Journalism, and Information

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