Tourism Village Development Based on Participatory Planning
Irland Fardani, Verry Damayanti, Ernady Syaodih, Hani Burhanudin

Department of Urban and Regional Planning
Bandung Islamic University


Tourism is one of the sectors that was encouraged to improve the economy in Indonesia after the crisis in 1998, many efforts were made to develop tourism from the national to the village level. In the last ten years, many villages in Indonesia have started to focus on developing tourism activities ,this is motivated by many villages which have had a positive impact on the village economic sector from tourism activities. However, many tourist villages still develop their tourism without planning, adversely impacting the sustainability of tourism in the village. This research aims to develop a tourism village plan with a participatory planning and participatory mapping approach. In participatory planning, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) activities were carried out, and in-depth interviews with community elements such as Village Heads, Community Leaders and Chairs of Tourism Groups. In the participatory mapping process, identify potential locations that are directed to become tourist objects. From the process, it is formulated that village tourism is based on the concept that tourism is not only tourism in Baros Village but more fundamentally is tourism for the people of Baros Village. From this formulation, the concept of tourism development planning in Baros Village is Agro-Eco-Culture which has added value from its location in the form of local wisdom and natural resources. In the planning of Baros Village tourism, it will be divided into two, namely educational tourism and recreational tourism. Educational tourism will be directed at building teams and bird watching. At the same time, recreational tourism will focus on adding to tourist experiences such as resident interaction and involvement in farming, nature walks, cultural tours and culinary tours.

Keywords: Tourism, Village, Planning, Particaptory

Topic: Media, Journalism, and Information

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