Local Wisdom Values in Community Empowerment through Social Forest Utilization in Indonesia and Malaysia
Chairiawaty,Ida Afidah,Rodlyah Khuza^I,Zarina

Faculty of Dakwah Universitas Islam Bandung


The research entitled ^Local Wisdom Values in Community Empowerment through Social Forest Utilization in Indonesia and Malaysia,^ is designed to know the local wisdom values and the social economics characteristics in the community empowerment by utilizing the social forest needs. The research conducted in Indonesia and Malaysia uses case study method. After analyzing five empowerment indicators consisting of empowerment forms, principles, stages and influencing factors, the research found out: (1) The Social Characteristics involve the community engagement, traditional knowledge and practices, social cohesion, gender inclusivity and community-based institution- as for the economic characteristics are in the forms of Livelihood Diversification, Sustainable Forest Management, Access to Markets, Capacity Building and Training, and Microfinance and Credit Access- (2) Empowerment programs in Indonesia, like those in Malaysia, focus on integrating Local Wisdom into sustainable forest management, conservation, and community livelihood initiatives to ensure effective and culturally sensitive outcomes. The local wisdoms used in empowerment programs for forestry communities in Indonesia and Malaysia are: (a) Traditional Ecological Knowledge, (b) Medicinal Plant Knowledge, (c) Agroforestry Practices, (d) Sacred Forests and Rituals, (e) Community Forest Management Systems, (f) Forest-Based Art and Crafts, (g) Indigenous Fire Management, (h) Traditional Agriculture and Seed Selection, (i) and Livelihood Strategies

Keywords: Forestry Community Empowerment, Social Characteristics, Economic Characteristic, Local Wisdoms

Topic: Media, Journalism, and Information

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