The Effect Fears Of Missing Out (FoMo) On Behaviour of Women Muslims Consumer On Cosmetics Product
Rezi Muhamad Taufik Permana, Eka Tresna Gumelar, Nindya Saraswati

Universitas Islam Bandung


The phenomenon of fear of missing out (FoMO) among generation Z today has become quite a unique phenomenon when viewed from the perspective of consumer behavior. The FoMO phenomenon of cosmetic products is very interesting to see what factors can influence this. Therefore FoMO among generation Z, especially Muslim women cosmetic consumers, needs to be further identified which is the right approach for Muslim women consumers in determining their product choices.
This research focuses on the factors causing the emergence of FoMO in generation Z which specifically identifies the linkages of social media marketing and influencer marketing to the emergence of FoMO behavior that has an impact on consumer behavior (Consumer Behavior).
This study uses a quantitative approach with non-probability sampling techniques because researchers do not know for sure the actual number of the study population. The sampling technique used was a purposive sampling technique because the respondents and samples from this study used several criteria. Meanwhile, data analysis in this study uses structural equation modeling with AMOS software. The results of this study are expected to be a reference for how Muslim women consumers behave in dealing with the FoMO phenomenon.

Keywords: Fears of Missing Out, Social Media Marketing, Influencer Marketing, Consumer Behaviour.

Topic: Marketing and Fintech in Terms of Islamic Perspective

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