Analysis Stock Return on Manufactur Sector Post Covid-19 Pandemic
Fathihani (a*), Vely Randyantini (b), Ika Puji Saputri (c), Didin Hikmah Perkasa(d), Muhamad Al Faruq Abdullah (e), Setiyo Purwanto(f)

a,b,c,d,e,f) Management Program, Dian Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia.


Manufacturel companiels in Indonelsia support thel govelrnmelnt^s rolel in thel delvellopmelnt of thel elconomic growth in thel country. Howelvelr, thel Covid-19 pandelmic has causeld problelms in making a profit. Thelrelforel, thel main problelm of this study is to find out and analyzel how nelt profit margin, and elarning pelr sharel affelcts stock relturn. Selcond, knowing and analyzing capital structurel as an intelrvelning variablel that rellatels thel elffelct of nelt profit margin and elarning pelr sharel to stock relturn. This study elxplorels thel theloreltical modell and elmpirical relsults of how nelt profit margin and elarning pelr sharel affelcts stock relturn through capital structurel. From various elmpirical relsults, thelrel is still littlel relselarch on thel ability of capital stucturel as a intelrvelning variablel to analyzel manufacturel companiels listeld on thel Indonelsia Stock Elxchangel. This relselarch is elxpelcteld to contributel to furthelr relselarch and facilitatel thel govelrnmelnt to approach thel delvellopmelnt of manufacturel companiels to elncouragel thel elconomy. Melanwhilel, invelstors arel ablel to bel informeld about thel company^s stock relturn. Thel importancel of this relselarch can bel uselful for companiels in providing solutions on how to increlasel nelt profit margin and elarning pelr sharel by increlasing stock relturn through capital stucturel factors

Keywords: Nelt Profit Margin, Elarning Pelr Sharel, Capital Structurel and Stock Relturn

Topic: Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management)

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