Analysis of Factors Affecting Leadership at Bank DKI South Jakarta
Yanthy Herawati Purnama(a*), Wenny Desty Febrian(b), Didin Hikmah Perkasa (c),Ari Apriani (d),Windayanti (e), Muhamad Al Faruq Abdullah (f)

Universitas Dian Nusantara


This study aims to see the factors that influence leadership at bank DKI South Jakarta. The variables in this study are Organizational Culture, Motivation, Work Environment and Leadership after the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used by this study is a survey research with a quantitative descriptive approach. The population research consisted of all employees of bank DKI Jakarta, and used 58 samples taken from all employees of Bank DKI South Jakarta. This research will use quantitative tools as the data processing, namely SEM PLS. Data collection methods: The data collection techniques carried out are Interviews, Questionnaires, Observations, Interviews. Research results: Based on the table obtained R-Square values for constructs X1, X2 and X3 of 0.707 which means that these values can identify Y can be explained by variables X1, X2 and X3 by 70.7% while the rest is influenced by other variables outside the study

Keywords: Leadership, Organizational Culture, Motivation, Work Environment

Topic: Management (HR, Marketing, Finance, Operational, and Strategic Management)

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