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Do MSMEs need to adopt e-wallet? A study of MSMEs adapting to the post-pandemic digital era
Ari Apriani*, Nur Endah Retno Wuryandari

Universitas Dian Nusantara, Jakarta, Indonesia


In the digitalization era, technology in the use of E-Wallet in business processes in MSMEs is not yet optimal. This can be seen from the lack of use of the Quick Response Indonesia Standard (QRIS) application on MSMEs. As we know, there are many E-Wallet applications in Indonesia such as Gopay, OVO, Shopee Pay, Dana, Link Aja. Therefore, this research is important because during the Covid-19 pandemic, the high level of consumer spending in online shopping activities at e-commerce merchants at MSMEs in Indonesia, should have an impact in the post-pandemic period. The purpose of this study is to find out that perceived ease of use, perceived risk and promotion can affect the intention to adopt e-wallet, of course, the results of this study can be considered by MSMEs actors to adopt e-wallet and switch to digital, because MSMEs must be able to adapt to conditions during the pandemic and after the pandemic by utilizing E-Wallet as a means of payment. Quantitative descriptive research was used in this study and the research was conducted based on previous research in building the concept of this research. A total of 250 respondent populations Jabodetabek area are used in the distribution of data that will be managed using tool Smart PLS.

Keywords: adoption e-wallet- digital era- e-wallet- post pandemic- SMEs

Topic: Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

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