EVALUATION OF HEAT LOSS IN DISTRIBUTION PIPELINE COLD WATER IN CHILLER FAN COIL UNIT Ade Suryatman Margana(a*)- Sugiyarto(b)- Luga Martin Simbolon(b)- Bowo Yuli Prasetyo(b)
a) Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technique, Bandung State of Polytechnic. Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir, Bandung 40012, Indonesia.
*) adesmargana[at]polban.ac.id
b)Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technique, Bandung State of Polytechnic. Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir, Bandung 40012, Indonesia.
This study aimed to evaluate cold water produced by chiller that will be distributed to the fan coil unit (FCU). The cold water distribution system from chiller requires good insulation, especially water pipes in and out of FCU to chiller so water temperature remains stable and chiller performance is not too heavy. Increasing temperature of cold water produced by chiller will affect the performance of the air conditioning system (AC) and the use of electrical energy. The object of this study is chiller unit with 18 FCU units located at the Bandung Electronic Center. Detailed measurements have been taken on the AC system . The results of thermodynamic analysis shows that there is a considerable comparison between the ideal heat loss and the actual heat loss, which is 131,972 kW for supply pipelines and 124,498 kW for return pipelines. Heat loss will also result in increased electricity consumption. The measurement and evaluation results showed the insulation of cold water distribution pipe is not effective enough because there are damaged parts of the insulation, the size or thickness of the insulation used does not match the size of the pipe causing unbalanced chilled water flow rate and heat loss.