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The Spirituals Post-Covid Asnaf Entrepreneurs Towards Zakat On Business
Noormariana Mohd Din (a), Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad (b*), Azwan Abdullah (c), Ahmad Ridhuwan Abdullah (d), Caturida Meiwanto Doktoralina (e)

a,b,c,d) Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, City Campus, 16100 Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia
e) Universitas Dian Nusantara, Jakarta, Indonesia


This study assesses the spiritual^s post-covid Asnaf entrepreneur^s towards zakat on business. it indicated the new insight of Asnaf entrepreneur^s spiritual after covid. Asnaf entrepreneurs who are participated in the Asnaf entrepreneurial Programme (AEP) act as the contributors in solving the effectiveness in distribution issue. The rationale for the effectiveness distribution in Islam is to help and boost the social and economic life among Asnaf. After participated in the AEP, the Asnaf become as the zakat payer and directly will be give the positive effect to zakat collection. However, many small businesses especially business from Asnaf entrepreneurs are financially fragile cause of Covid19 challenges. To meet the challenges posed by the Covid19, the Asnaf entrepreneurs had to react in agile and decisive ways by relating the spiritual towards business and able to maintain as the zakat payer soon. This involves conducting an after-action review in spiritual by lessons learned from the pandemic and enhance the business value. Therefore, in this paper, we explore the Spiritual^s Asnaf entrepreneurs towards zakat on business after facing the Covid19. The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed to examine the reliability and validity of the measurement, and the structural equation modelling techniques (SEM) were used to evaluate the casual model. The findings indicate that the strong predictive power of Spiritual among Asnaf entrepreneur^s towards zakat on business after covid19. Hence, the study provides an insight to zakat institution that the covid19 seek out the opportunities emerging in the recovery and stability return by move to digitalisation business.

Keywords: Asnaf, Entrepreneur, Spiritual Quotient, Post Covid

Topic: Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

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