Content Analysis on the Use of Abusive Language in Social Media 1Riza Hernawati, 2Maya Amalia Oesman Palapah, 3Ratri Rizki Kusumalestari, 4Dadan Mulyana
1234Universitas Islam Bandung
The use of social media continues to increase along with the need for information in society which is also getting higher. Social media makes it easy to communicate and interact with one another. This resulted in a shift in the language used to become written language. But often with this written language, social media users ignore the rules of using good language.
The characteristics of social media users, including different Instagrams, also bring up different languages when internet users (netizens) write comments on social media, ranging from polite to offensive language. The case of an Indonesian celebrity who reported his partner to the police because of a criminal act he had committed gave rise to various comments, especially when the reporter later withdrew his report. Immediately netizens wrote comments on the celebrity^s Instagram account, even with abusive language. Abusive language is often freely used by netizens in expressing feelings in the form of comments on social media. this study will try to detect several official Instagram accounts of Individual A and individual B. Detection is carried out by classifying targets, categories and levels. Words (posts) are identified as hate speech or offensive language. The levels of hate speech are also classified into levels, namely: Weak hate speech, swear words aimed at individuals without provocation- Moderate hate speech, swearing directed at groups without provocation- Strong hate speech, swearing that provokes and has the potential to open up conflict.
Keywords: Social media, Instagram, Abusive languange, Netizen, Celebrity