Preparation of Cognitive Process Qualitative Assessment Instruments in Making Decisions to Play Online Games Fanni Putri Diantina,Rizka Hadian Permana,Andhita Nurul Khasanah,Rifky Abdila Pratama,aqyla halwa,Dianita Rahma
Faculty of Psychology, Bandung Islamic University, Bandung, Indonesia
Indonesia is ranked 6th in terms of numbers online gamers the most in Asia and ranked 12th in the marketgaming world. When it becomes an addiction, online gamers being unable to stop or control play behavior game, so that lead to the emergence of problematic behavior. The decision-making process at the cognition level is considered relevant in various addictive behaviors, including behavior problematic gaming. In order to gain an in-depth understanding of the comparison of the interaction processes of each cognitive component on the decision to playonline game in both group gamers Which non-problematic and problematic, then exploratory research can be carried out through a qualitative approach, where data collection is carried out through depth interview. Steps are required to compileguideline digging related to functioningaffective & cognitive respons (coping, cognitive & affective bias, andcraving & urge), as well asexecutive & inhibitory control. The preparation of guidelines uses a cognitive theoretical framework in addictive behavior, namely the I-PACE model with a theoretical basis multidimensional. Through theoretical deepening, it is revealed in the form of guidelines which are divided into 3 main aspects, 4 sub-aspects and 32 main questions.