Communication Model of Entrepreneurship Education for Children Based on Pesantren Culture: A Case Study of Pesantren Sirojul Huda Kabupaten Bandung
Ike Junita Triwardhani, Endri Listiani, Yulianti

Faculty of Communication, Universitas Islam Bandung


Entrepreneurship education has become important for the future of children, which is filled with challenges. Entrepreneurship is related to how new knowledge-based ideas can provide economic added value. Entrepreneurship also exists within Pesantren, Islamic boarding schools. Pesantren has a unique way of life and has been able to sustain itself for centuries by adhering to its own values. As a traditional Islamic educational institution, Pesantren does not consider it sufficient to only provide knowledge to its students. Therefore, the institution strives to create entrepreneurial environments and teach entrepreneurship education to its students. This research aims to develop a communication model of entrepreneurship education based on Pesantren culture. The research case chosen is Sirojul Huda Islamic Boarding School in Bandung Regency. The average age of the students, who are predominantly children, ranges from 12 to 15 years old, and they are already being taught entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial culture needs to be instilled from an early age through education. The entrepreneurial values instilled in children through education are expected to shape their resilient character. The research is conducted using an ethnographic communication approach, tracing the communication patterns that emerge from the interactions of participants within a specific community group. Ethnographic communication is an approach used to obtain cultural values present in a given condition through interpersonal communication processes.

Keywords: Pesantren Culture, Entrepreneurship, Child Education, Ethnographic Communication, Communication Model.

Topic: New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers

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