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Increasing Coffee Sales Competitiveness through Omnichannel retail in Cimenyan District, Bandung Regency
Eri Achiraeniwati1, Djamaludin2, Yanti Sri Rejeki3,Otong Rukmana4, Chaznin R. Muhammad5

Industrial Engineering, Universitas Islam Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia


Cimenyan District Bandung Regency is located adjacent to many coffee plantations in Bandung Regency, which produce about 8 quintals per year from a total of 21.53 tons of coffee produced in Bandung Regency. Bandung Regency is one of the best quality coffee producing regions in Indonesia and the world. From the results of observations and interviews with farmer groups and coffee sellers, several problems related to the value chain and coffee business in the Cimenyan District area include seed modernization, post-harvest processing and marketing which are still traditional (unchanged). This community service is aimed at improving the ability of entrepreneurs and coffee producers in Cimenyan District, especially in marketing and selling their coffee products more broadly both nationally and internationally through the concept of omnichannel retail with the help of digital technology. It is hoped that by providing knowledge, skills and assistance in increasing sales networks, entrepreneurs and coffee producers in Cimenyan District, in particular, can channel their sales through various digital channels created to provide the same good experience to customers in researching, buying, and communicating on the products sold. This community service aims to increase the competitiveness of coffee sales and produce new creative entrepreneurs and / or the development of digital channels and offline networks in existing business fields

Keywords: Entrepreneurial Network, Omni Channel Retail, Coffee Sales Competitiveness, Cimenyan District

Topic: New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers

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