Sonia Nurprameswari (a), Gita Astrid (b), Reza Aprianti (c), Dian Maulina (d)

a) Faculty of Social and Political Science UIN Raden Fatah
Jalan Zainal Abidin Fikry No.1 KM 3,5, Kel. Pahlawan Kec, Kemuning, Palembang 30126
b) Faculty of Social and Political Science UIN Raden Fatah
Jalan Zainal Abidin Fikry No.1 KM 3,5, Kel. Pahlawan Kec, Kemuning, Palembang 30126
c) Faculty of Social and Political Science UIN Raden Fatah
Jalan Zainal Abidin Fikry No.1 KM 3,5, Kel. Pahlawan Kec, Kemuning, Palembang 30126
d) Faculty of Social and Political Science UIN Raden Fatah
Jalan Zainal Abidin Fikry No.1 KM 3,5, Kel. Pahlawan Kec, Kemuning, Palembang 30126


The halal label is one of the important elements as a written or symbolic marker of a product so that it can be suitable for consumption, but halal labels are often seen only in large-scale industries such as restaurants and factory output. Halal is seen from several sides- both include processes, materials, equipment, and equipment. This research aims to find out the internalization of the halal label which involves academics in the product certification process in Palembang City street food entrepreneurs. The descriptive qualitative method is used with the object of research, which is the chairman of the Halal Examining Agency (LPH), Halal product certification administrator, and street food business actors. Communications strategies and persuasive communication models are used in this research as an analysis knife. As a result, there is a proliferation of street food in Palembang City, but some of them do not have a halal label, thus causing public confusion in consuming these foods. Besides, the involvement of academics (lecturers) in Religious Institutions such as Islamic Universities helps a lot, especially in the process of accelerating halal certification in Palembang City, although there is still a need for directed optimization so that the results can be maximized. The mentoring and easy access to halal certification will certainly be very helpful for street food entrepreneurs, even though this is still relatively new. Labeling halal on street food is a symbol and a very important meaning as a sign that the food is safe for public consumption, especially in the majority Muslim community of Palembang City.

Keywords: Halal Label, Product Certification, Street Food

Topic: Media, Journalism, and Information

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