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Model Institutional Communication for Innovation Ecosystem: Mapping Researchers and Institution Relationship to Transform Research Into Innovation
Anne Maryani, Ike Junita Triwardhani, Yulianti

Faculty of Communication, Universitas Islam Bandung


Higher education institutions play an important role in innovation since they are institutions that produce knowledge. Through researchers, innovation ecosystems can be developed. Developing innovation includes building innovation orchestration as there is high uncertainty in innovation. Each party locates itself and builds networks with the others. Networks built by researchers as a process of forming innovations give rise to translation, namely the process of building networks that occur due to transactions. The process of building networks in generating innovation remains ongoing. Researchers need mediator that plays an important role in building innovation networks, either mediator as a person or in the form of technology, which both are needed in creating innovation. The stages in the research are as follows: 1) Mapping the main issues being addressed by researchers in developing innovation, 2) Conducting an analysis of the reading of social arena where researchers communicate with other parties in creating innovation, 3) Analyzing the academic manners of researchers in building innovation, 4) Analyzing the articulation of researchers in developing innovation, and 5) Developing an institutional communication model to form an ecosystem of researchers who develop innovation. Fields or social arenas where researchers have to collaborate with other parties in developing innovations will explain how ideas are formed and who will take the advantages of these innovations. Reading the researchers^ social arena will help map out the innovation process built. Scientifically, this research is expected to become part of the development of ethnography of communication approach in reading the values established in the interaction between the parties involved in the communication of researcher.

Keywords: Innovation, Communication Model, Researcher, Interpersonal Communication, Actor.

Topic: New Media: Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers

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