Dr Siti Suriani Othman (a*) , Dr Marina Munira Abdul Mutalib (a), Dr Kartini Kamaruzzaman (a), Selvarani Kovilpilai (a), Dr. Anne Ratnasari (b), Dr. Ferry Darmawan (b) & Dr. Oji Kurniawan

a)Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia

a) Universitas Islam Bandung


Radicalism and extremism are tendencies and activities that may affect people from all walks of life. This includes university students who can be considered as a group of informed society due to knowledge they have and level of education, but may also be influenced by propaganda made by extremists. Hence, it is important for us to understand the status of radicalism and extremism among students and how classes at universities, especially Islamic universities help to reduce the influence of radicalism and extremism. This study conduct interviews with lecturers and Islamic officers in Malaysia and Indonesia to investigate how messages of deradicalism are delivered in class at two universities namely Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) and Universiti Islam Bandung (UNISBA). A total of 14 informants from both countries were interviewed to find out the factors of radicalism and extremism among students at universities in both countries. Secondly, this study also identifies teaching method applied in class to examine the effectiveness to deliver anti radicalism and extremism messages. The concept of Rahmatan lil Alamin is the basis of the act of deradicalism in both countries. The study concludes that both universities are not threatened by radicalism and extremism, hence, there is no specific teaching approach practiced to avoid the treat. However, the role of lecturers as murabbi seems to play an important role to keep students aware the danger of the acts. Good relationship with students and continuous support to students are crucial to avoid radicalism and extremism to become a threat at both universities.

Keywords: radicalism, extremism, USIM, UNISBA, factors, teaching approach

Topic: Human Wellbeing in Islam

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