Respect and Responsibility Character-Building Training for Children Under Care of Foster Parents in SOS Village Indonesia Lembang Eneng Nurlaili Wangi, Dewi Rosiana, & Dewi Sartika
Universitas Islam Bandung
SOS Children^s Villages is a non-governmental non-profit social organization that actively supports children^s rights, such as provide family and loving home. In order to complete the stages that have been done in previous training, it is necessary to take the next step by providing further training on improving parenting skills about respect and responsibility to foster parents through roleplay and case examples. The methods used in this training are discussion, practice, and instruction. The result showed that training to build respect and responsibility towards children through foster parents at SOS Children^s Village Indonesia is effective, this is shown by an increase in knowledge among foster parents regarding forms, meanings, and strategies for teaching respect and responsibility to children. The suggestions are at the next training meeting it is expected to be held offline because there are several obstacles in online implementation such as difficulty in signals, incomprehension of foster mothers about the system, etc., as well as in the next training to discuss honesty and empathy.
Keywords: Respect- Responsibility- Children- SOS Children Village