Meaning of Phenomenon and Culture in Rawabogo Tourism Village, Bandung Regency Urban and Regional Planning, Bandung Islamic University Abstract The development of Rawabogo Village became one of the urgencies after the establishment of the tourism village title in 2011 based on cultural potention and Nagara Padang site as a landmark. However, until now it hasn^t shown significant development of tourism village. Rawabogo Village needs to explore the meaning of phenomena and culture to develop according to their potential. The purpose of this research is to describe behind meaning the phenomena and culture in Rawabogo Village. This research method uses a symbolic hermeneutic approach (Paul Ricoeur) which offers a new paradigm in village planning. This approach describes combining explanation (distance) and understanding (appropriation) of information units to produce meaning the potention and phenomenon behind it. The results are culture and oral traditions as the life of the cultural community, the Nagara Padang site as the main attraction potential, village traditions, and tourism products as sustainable tourism in Rawabogo Village. The result can be an option for the direction of tourism development in Rawabogo Village. Keywords: Tourism Village, Phenomenon, Culture, Distance, Appropriation Topic: Human Wellbeing in Islam |
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