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1 Blue Constitutions in Social Justice ABS-40

REGIONAL PUBLIC SERVICE AGENCY FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT POLICY (Policy Evaluation Study of Guidelines for Financial Management of Regional Public Service Bodies Based on Regent Regulation No. 5 of 2020 Concerning Guidelines for Financial Management of Regional Public Service Bodies at the Sumbawa District Health Center)

Universitas merdeka malang


The Regional Public Service Agency (called BLUD) is a system implemented by the Puskesmas in providing services to the public who have flexibility in the pattern of financial management as an exception to the provisions of regional management in general. Flexibility means flexibility in the pattern of financial management by implementing sound business practices to improve services to the community. The flexibility provided consists of: 1). Revenue and expense management, 2). Expenditure management, 3). Employee management, 4). Procurement of goods and services, 5). Management of debts and receivables, 6). Tariff management, 7). Human resource management, 8). Cooperation management. The management of BLUD requires the ability and awareness of human resources to carry out a government policy and changes in perspective and behavior are needed in an effort to achieve community health status within the puskesmas in Sumbawa Regency. Based on this, the purpose of this research is to see an overview of BLUD management from the financial aspect, compliance in financial management, service aspects and to find out the description of the distribution of benefits felt by the community in the placement of BLUD in puskesmas. To achieve the objectives of this study, the researcher used a qualitative descriptive method using interviews and observations to collect data either directly or through documents. The results of the research that was conducted at the 5 (five) puskesmas that were sampled found or obtained an illustration that financial management, both in terms of income in terms of financing contributions and compliance in managing finances, is still low, in addition to financial management in accordance with the aims of researchers in looking at aspects of service and the benefit was found that services at health centers both in quality and quantity are still low, this can be seen from the low productivity and effectiveness in health services, besides that the benefits received by the community are still low as illustrated by the achievement of Minimum Service Standards which are expected to be 100% fulfilled from 12 indicators, can only reach 50% of the 12 indicators required by the government. In an effort to improve the management of the Puskesmas BLUD according to expectations, it is necessary to conduct a review of the Sumbawa Regent Regulation number 05 of 2020 concerning guidelines for the management of BLUD within the Sumbawa Regency government by taking into account Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Noimor 61 of 2007 which provides 2 (two) alternatives, namely full BLUD management and gradual BLUD management so that evaluations can be carried out in stages and provide opportunities to prepare competent and accountable human resources, so that the system implemented in BLUD-based health centers is truly prepared in a mature and professional manner which can ultimately provide benefits. to the community and contribute to achieving public health development, especially the people of Sumbawa Regency.

Keywords: Regional Public Service Agency

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2 Blue Constitutions in Social Justice ABS-42

Kadek Dedi Andika Yana (1), Aprodhita Galuh Karima (2), Wika Yudha Shanty (3).

University Of Merdeka Malang


The capital market is used by business actors such as Limited Liability Companies to compete and develop their business activities. In making an offer in the capital market, a limited liability company is referred to as an issuer. Issuers have principles and obligations that must be fulfilled. If the issuer violates or does not meet the listing requirements, it will be Forced Delisting by the Indonesian stock exchange. In Indonesia, capital market activities are regulated in Law Number 8 of 1995 concerning Capital Market, but in it does not regulate Forced Delisting. The objective of this study is to find out the exact regulations governing Forced Deslisting in Indonesia. According to article 5 letter J of the Capital Market Law, Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency (Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Keuangan) has the authority to freeze, cancel, or stop listing securities on the stock exchange. After that, Law Number 21 of 2011 concerning Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan) which in it regulates the transfer of functions, duties and authorities of regulating and supervising capital market financial services activities to Financial Services Authority. With the enactment of the Act, Financial Services Authority issued Regulation Number 3 / POJK.04 / 2021 concerning the Implementation of Activities in the Capital Market Sector, which regulates forced delisting.

Keywords: capital market- forced delisting- regulation.

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3 Cities and Digital Revolution Aligning Technology and Humanity ABS-21

Innovative Government pada PDAM Surya Sembada Kota Surabaya dalam meningkatkan pelayanan prima
Tri Prasetijowati , Fierda Nurany, Lintang Kusuma

Program Studi Administrasi Publik, Universitas Bhayangkara Surabaya
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik


The service provided by the Surabaya City Water Supply Company (PDAM) is still considered suboptimal, resulting in numerous complaints from the public. To improve this situation, an innovative service from the government is needed. The innovation provided should align with the conditions and customer complaints. As PDAM is a Local Government-Owned Enterprise, it is closely related to the local government, making government innovation crucial. This research aims to identify the implementation of innovative government in PDAM Surya Sembada, Surabaya. The research adopts a qualitative descriptive method. The subjects of the study are the residents of Surabaya who are customers of PDAM Surya Sembada Surabaya and the employees of PDAM Surya Sembada Surabaya. The object of the study is the service quality. Data collection techniques include interviews and documentation, which are analyzed descriptively. The findings of this research indicate that PDAM Surya Sembada, Surabaya, has implemented innovative government, which includes service digitalization and workflow systems. PDAM Surabaya utilizes the Customer Information System (CIS) application to facilitate customer reporting, payment, and new installation registration. PDAM Surabaya^s innovative government has met eight indicators: increased efficiency, improved effectiveness, enhanced service quality, absence of research conflicts, public-oriented, conducted transparently, aligns with decision values, and accountable for results. The human resources of PDAM Surabaya are highly competent but face challenges in building communication with the community. The facilities and infrastructure of PDAM Surabaya meet the standards but require additional transportation vehicles. The information technology of PDAM Surabaya is at an optimal level with service and workflow digitalization. However, it still faces obstacles in manually obtaining permits from the local government, which is time-consuming.

Keywords: Innovative, Government, PDAM, Service, Digitalization

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4 Cities and Digital Revolution Aligning Technology and Humanity ABS-58

Implementing Agile Scrum Methodology in the Development of SMART PEKAN at Batu City Environment Service
Ilham Nur Hanifan Maulana (1*), Handayani Nurhayati (2), Durratun Nashihah (3), Sukardi (4), Shindy Theresya Sari (5), Yuniar Fahreza Rizki (6)

1,2,3,4 University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
5 Brawijaya University, Indonesia
6 Widyagama University, Indonesia


The preparation of reports on the activities of functional group positions for the Batu City Environmental Service is still being carried out in the usual way. Making announcements on activities at any time must begin by creating a new page. That matter could be more effective and efficient because the structure of each activity report is the same. This research aims to develop a report-creation system whose workings make it easier for users to create activity reports. System-making activity reports according to user needs based on information obtained during interviews and observation. System development using the Agile framework with the Scrum method. This research produces SMART PEKAN (Functional Position Group Activity Report Creation System), a website that reports on Functional Position Group activities using automatic report templates. SMART PEKAN can be a tool that facilitates the activities of making user reports by utilizing progress existing technology to implement digital transformation in the government sector to support the Smart City movement.

Keywords: Activity Reports, Agile, Innovation, Reporting System, Scrum, Service for the Environment

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5 Democracy, Local Politics and Protecting Natural Resources ABS-8

Political Communication Strategy of Indonesian Republic President Joko Widodo Through Political Diction and Strategic Grammar

Doctoral Program in Social Sciences, Post-Graduate Program, Merdeka University, Malang, Indonesia


This study wants to explore Joko Widodo^s political communication strategy through political diction and strategic grammar. At this point language is an instrument which is full with political interests to gain and maintain power. With critical paradigm in qualitative approach, the data is the text of President Joko Widodo^s state speeches in the 2019-2023 period. Data analysis is performed using Fowler^s version of CDA (critical discourse analysis). In the end, the following results are found: The hidden meanings of using political diction in President Joko Widodo^s speech are: embracing political opponents, gathering support, responding to demands, boosting image, growing optimism, and issuing warnings. Apart from that, Joko Widodo in his State of the Union speech also makes use of grammar strategically to highlight positive things or successes by packing them into active sentences and disguising (covering) negative things or failures by packing them into passive sentences.

Keywords: political diction, strategic grammar, hidden meaning, political communication strategy

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6 Democracy, Local Politics and Protecting Natural Resources ABS-23

^Public Policy Evaluation of PNS/ASN Village Secretary^s Placement Pull Up^ (Based on Regional Regulation No. 3 of 2023 Tulungagung Regency)
Danang Catur Budi Utomo, Bonaventura Ngarawula

Universitas Merdeka Malang


After Village Law No. 6 of 2014 exists, significantly the existence of the ASN Village Secretary is disturbed. ASN Village Secretary from the Regional Government entrusted and also appointed from the Village Apparatus. All must be in their landlord^s habitat or in a position that has a vacancy in the Regional Government.
This unique and interesting problem is the bargaining point of this research, and on the other hand the village secretary is the spearhead and coordinator of government administration in the village.
It is not intended to interfere with the existing Village autonomy, but to emphasize more on aspects that are coordinative and constructive in orderly administration of the bureaucracy in the Village Administration. Seeing the importance and magnitude of the responsibility of the Village Secretary, the ability and professionalism of the Village Secretary must be increased, not weakened. The position and placement of the PNS/ASN Village Secretariat as one of the efforts to improve the administrative management of the Village Government bureaucracy.
In the absence of standard rules regarding PNS/ASN Village Secretaries, so if each district area makes regional regulations or Regent regulations to regulate the existence and position of Village Secretaries with PNS/ASN status who are currently still active, mutations must be carried out to the local government administration environment without regard to norms If the law is clear, then the transfer policy is very prone to becoming a polemic and a lawsuit to the State Administrative Court.

Keywords: Please Just Try to Submit This Sample Abstract

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7 Democracy, Local Politics and Protecting Natural Resources ABS-29

Identity Political Strengthening Ideology for Increasing Vote Gains in General Elections in Indonesia
Puguh Wiji Pamungkas

Universitas Merdeka Malang


Identity politics is a threat to democracy, including in Indonesia. At the same time, in Indonesia the number of Muslim voters reached 80%. Muslim voters are the majority group and are vulnerable to identity politics, given their character that is easily influenced to follow certain behaviors. This research has an urgency to reveal how big the threat of identity politics is to Muslim voters, especially in Malang Regency, East Java. The choice of Malang Regency, East Java as the object of research because in that location the majority of the population is traditional Muslims, and Muslim educational institutions, such as Islamic boarding schools and Muslim schools are the most numerous in East Java. This research uses a qualitative analytical approach, to reveal the phenomenon of identity politics among Muslim voters carried out by political parties. From the research that has been done, it is revealed that identity politics is strengthening among Muslim voters driven by three factors, political elites, mass media, and institutional. This is relevant to the theory put forward by Theresia Kuhn. However, there are other factors that strengthen identity politics, which are not put forward by Kuhn, namely ideological factors. The ideology of the party is the same as the ideology of the majority of voters. This is a novelty in this study, from Kuhn^s research and other studies.

Keywords: Muslim voters- identity politics in Indonesia- political parties.

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8 Democracy, Local Politics and Protecting Natural Resources ABS-33

Money Politics Factors in Influencing People^s Voting Behavior That Occurred in the Sumbawa Election in 2020
Ardiyansyah, Bonaventura Ngarawula, Sukardi

Universitas Merdeka Malang


This article discusses vote-buying as a phenomenon in the 2020th Sumbawa local head election process which affects the voting behavior of youth voters in Sumbawa. This research applies to qualitative methods. The research found that there is a linkage of giving money and gift as a form of aid to the society before and during the election can affect youth voter voting preferences. This article argues that the preference of youth voters influenced by their communities where they live and they herded to choose what community say so. Vote-buying in the form of ^aid^ are liked by the community and youth voter seen it as something ordinary in the socio-political situation. With vote-buying strategy, the candidate can easily obtain a vote, especially from youth voter who has not yet decided their choice. In addition, vote-buying became a kind of magnet to attract youth voter sympathy
Keywords: vote buying- voting behavior- youth voter

Keywords: voting behavior- youth voter

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9 Democracy, Local Politics and Protecting Natural Resources ABS-36

Felik Sad Windu Wisnu Broto, SS., M.Hum

Universitas Merdeka Malang


The Semar is very famous in Javanese leather puppet performances. Semar is one of the shadow puppet characters who has a very distinctive and unique role and character. The character Semar only exists in wayang stories in Indonesia. The character of Semar never appears in the Mahabarata or Ramayana stories in India. Semar in wayang appears as a fair and wise character. Semar becomes a compass for wayang characters who are experiencing confusion in determining the direction of truth. There have been many researchers who have discussed the character of Semar in their studies. In this study, researchers will examine Semar^s philosophical values in relation to leadership. Leadership is a person^s ability to influence others to achieve good goals. To influence others, a leader needs a value. What values are still relevant for leadership today from the perspective of Semar^s philosophy? This research uses the library research method where researchers will examine various literature from previous research, books and discussion materials regarding Semar^s philosophical values in leadership. The results of the study show that Semar has a unique view of leadership. Semar has philosophical values that are very relevant for today^s leadership. These philosophical values include 1) Humility, 2) Justice, 3) Wisdom, 4) Solidarity, 5) Hard Work, 6) Unity and 7) Common Good.

Keywords: Justice, Common Good, Leadership, Semar, Solidarity.

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10 Democracy, Local Politics and Protecting Natural Resources ABS-48

Djumari- Bonaventura Ngarawula

Universitas Merdeka Malang


Community involvement into forest management become an important factors, because community intensity interactions along with forest area is very important in all various regions in Indonesia. In addition, generally the condition of forest farmer face a poverty and uneducated as well. Regarding this condition government encourage the guidance program on land management for the forest farmers especially in Grobogan Regency area, Central Java province aiming to poverty reduction and increasing income for the farmers itself in this area. This program consist of forest land area ministration that aim to be managed and conserved both of facility and infrastructure in increasing income through forest farmer activity, for example: timber planting, coffee seed planting and other daily aliment necessity. This research uses descriptive qualitative by involving forest farmer community in Grobogan Area as an research^s object. The government wishes with the existence program able to empower forest farmer live and giving an soft skill training relate to daily aliment management through farmer activity in addition they are able to increase both of income and prosperity for their own family. Poverty alleviation program has been planned by the governments in various sector especially in the farmer sector and Industry therefore they are actively give a training on the business sector and fund loaning for the business actor. These farmers generally come from uneducated background therefore they don^t understand about business management on how they have to manage farmer^s harvest with the high price. Contrary the harvest price determined by the middleman with the lower price then they will sell to the market with the high price surely this conditions are unfair for the farmer. Therefore, through this training the farmer are going to able determine their own harvest price and sell to the market directly with the high price in addition, they will be able to gain a prosperity^s live.

Keywords: Forest Farmer- Grobogan Regency- Poverty- Government Program- and Farmer Activity

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11 Democracy, Local Politics and Protecting Natural Resources ABS-52

Ricky Mambrasar

Universitas Merdeka Malang


This journal aims to present the form of peace reconstruction in the context of Papua which is full of conflict. The development of reconstruction in the form of the role of mediation institutions in Papua seems to be more solutive and prevemtive in efforts to reconstruct Peace in Papua. Many efforts were made by the blood government and the central government in efforts to reconstruct peace, but it was still very far from expectations. Utilizing and empowering mediation has given new hope for the availability of the role of local actors who have a more peace mindset In this peace reconstruction, the construction of conflict transformation theory, strategy management theory, peace building concept is used to see Papuan peacebuilding more deeply and sustainably. The research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive construction. Data were collected using literature studies. The results of the study will show the extent to which the role of mediation institutions can be used as a reconstruction of peace in Papua. In addition, the role of mediation institutions should also be placed as the best choice and be part of efforts to resolve conflicts in a non-ligitative manner and build positive and sustainable peace in the Land of Papua.

Keywords: Education,Reconsstruction Of Peace, Papua

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12 Democracy, Local Politics and Protecting Natural Resources ABS-53

Gibran Karaman (a*), Mohamad Alfia Qotadah (a), Wulandari Dwipuspita (a), Teguh Suratman (b)

a) Undergraduate student at the Faculty of Law, University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
b) Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia


The world has been shocked by the great tragedy that occurred in Indonesia. A dark tragedy that arguably entered the history of the world. Many victims and lives were lost in the Kanjuruhan Tragedy, the incident killed 135 people. The purpose of this study is to find out how the regulations regarding Class Action lawsuit attempts. To achieve justice, victims and their families need to get their fulfillment of victims rights. This legal research is in the form of fact-based literature that emphasizes a scientific research procedure to find truth based on legal scientific logic from its normative side using the statute approach and Conceptual Approach methods by reviewing and analyzing provisions regarding rules that can be related to analyzing Class Action lawsuit attempt in The tragedy of Kanjuruhan Malang. The class action suit is a civil lawsuit filed by a group of people who have an interest in a similar problem, either one or more of their members to sue or be sued as representative of the group without any members of the group being involved directly in the judicial process. This study concludes the application of class action lawsuits in the tragedy of Kanjuruhan Malang, in connection with this, there is the benefit of a class action lawsuit in consumer disputes in court, but to fight for their rights, the principle litigants with simple, fast, and the determinants that be a reason to be an eligible class action, both in practice as well as in its implementation.

Keywords: Class Action- Lawsuit- Rights- Tragedy Kanjuruhan Malang

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13 Democracy, Local Politics and Protecting Natural Resources ABS-61

Transformational Leadership in Village-Owned Enterprises Development
Aizah Dien Putri Ambarizki1, Nur Wahyuni2, Wildan Taufik Raharja3, Lunariana Lubis4

Universitas Hang Tuah


The government encourages villages to be more independent in managing their economy in order to reduce the economic gap between villages and cities. One of the efforts is the development of Village-Owned Enterprises (VOE) Development. The existence of VOE can change the economy and welfare of the village community. Leadership is one of the success factors in managing an organization. This happened in Suruh Village which has succeeded in developing VOE. The aim of this research is to analyze Transformational Leadership in the development of VOE. The research method used qualitative with a case study strategy. This research analyzes Transformational Leadership with the following aspects: idealistic influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual attention. Data was obtained from observation, interviews and documentation. Research informants consisted of heads and employees of VOE. The research results show that the head of VOE has transformational leadership characteristics, so that VOE can develop well. Transformational leadership is still relevant in managing VOE.

Keywords: Transformational Leadership, Village-Owned Enterprises, Trenggalek

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14 Digital Public Service in Education and Health ABS-19

BPJS Health Patient Satisfaction in Health Services at Prima Husada Hospital
Silvia Intan Wardani1, Kasuwi Saiban2, Sri Hartini Jatmikowati3, Bonaventura Ngarawula4

Postgraduate Doctoral Program in Social Sciences Universitas Merdeka Malang


National Health Insurance with one of its main focuses is increasing participant satisfaction with the satisfaction target in 2020 being 85%. The quality of service received by patients includes aspects of reliability, assurance, responsiveness, tangibles, and empathy . The problem is that there is currently no written report on the length of waiting time for services at the hospital The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between service quality and patient satisfaction at Prima Husada Hospital . This research is a quantitative research with analytic survey and cross sectional research design. The research population was 1743 people and the sample was 95 people who were BPJS Health participant patients at Prima Husada Hospital. This study uses a bivariate correlation statistical test. The results of data analysis showed that there was a relationship between service quality and BPJS Health patient satisfaction at Prima Husada Hospital, with a value of r = 0.419 and a significant value or p = 0.000, the significant level used was 5% (0.05). The most influencing aspect is assurance which includes the availability of doctors who are experts in their fields, reliability, friendliness and courtesy of nurses. It can be concluded that the quality of service received by patients affect patient satisfaction. Suggestions for Prima Husada Hospital to improve the quality of health services for all patients, especially in aspects that are still in the moderate category, namely responsiveness, reliability and tangible.

Keywords: patient satisfaction, BPJS Health, health services

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15 Digital Public Service in Education and Health ABS-55

Understanding Cultural Shock Through Media Literacy Anti-Hoax Efforts among Santri in Pondok Pesantren
Abu Amar Bustomi (a), Amang Fathurrohman (b), Muhammad Khoirul Lutfi (b)

(a) Universitas Merdeka Malang
(b) STAI Salahuddin Pasuruan


This research aims to explore the impact of cultural shock experienced by santri while interacting with social media in the Pondok Pesantren environment, with the objective of understanding the crucial implications of media literacy in countering hoaxes. The underlying theoretical framework for this study encompasses cultural shock theory and the concept of media literacy. The research methodology employed is the content analysis approach, which will delve into the experiences of cultural shock among santri, identify common themes of hoaxes, and assess their impact on the santri community. The findings of this research reveal that santri are becoming increasingly aware of how cultural shock influences their level of media literacy, as well as the mechanisms of hoax dissemination. Furthermore, the santri develop media literacy strategies to combat hoaxes and strive to find solutions to mitigate the negative consequences resulting from the challenges of filtering information acquired through social media.

Keywords: cultural shock, media, hoax, santri

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16 Digital Public Service in Education and Health ABS-56

Non-Smoking Areas as an Effort to Reduce Exposure to Cigarette Smoke for the Community
ANDI DIDI Afraid (a*)

Merdeka University Malang
Graduate program
Doctor of Social Sciences


Efforts to control smokers who produce very harmful secondhand smoke. For the health of both active and passive smokers One way to get smoke-free air without exposure to secondhand smoke is to establish a no-smoking area.
Objective: This study shows how important it is to maintain non-smoking areas so that others are not exposed to secondhand smoke to prevent smoking-related diseases.
Method: Literature analysis and research report were used to write this article.
By collecting articles, journals, and books that have been published, the author then conducts an analysis.
Research Results: there is exposure to secondhand smoke. However, exposure to secondhand smoke of others contains harmful substances in their bodies. Therefore, it is necessary to create a smoke-free area to reduce the level of cigarette smoke.
In conclusion, other peoples secondhand smoke is very dangerous. There are no limits that are considered safe for exposure.

Keywords: Exposure, Non-Smoking Area, Public Health

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17 Digital Public Service in Education and Health ABS-60

Nurtyasih Wibawanti Ratna Amina

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi Almamater Wartawan Surabaya


This Research is bother about the dilemma of internal cannabis prohibition Compass TV frame. That dilemma was lifted in Rosi^s talk show with Cannabis Topics: Myths and Facts period February 6, 2020. Goals from study This is want to know how media Kompas TV constructs about the issue of cannabis against utilization as needed medical. In studying this, the researcher use method analysis Framing Robert Entman. Study paradigm subjective interpretive with qualitative approach bag presented text in the Rosie program. Analysis was done with the use of four substances Framing Robert Entman, namely: Define Problems (identification problem), Diagnose Causes (causes the problem), Make Moral Judgment (moral decision), and Treatment Recommendation (emphasize settlement). Data collection techniques were used from video documentation from the talk show Rosie. Research results show that Kompas TV, through the Rosi Talk Show, shows exists tendency to stick to views about cannabis production in class psychotropic group 1. The text is presented showing the Construction of Kompas TV, which is influenced by Media ideology.

Keywords: Marijuana, Framing, media construction, ideology

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18 Innovative Clean Energy in Cities ABS-51

Influence Quality Of Service And Hotel Image To Loyalty Through Hotel Customer Trust In Gorontalo City
Tineke Wolok(a*), Umin Kango(b), Lilik Kustiani (c)

a)Faculty of Economics, Gorontalo State University
b)Faculty of Economics, Gorontalo State University
c)Faculty of Economics, Malang Independent University


The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of service quality and hotel image on customer trust. The effect of service quality and hotel image on customer loyalty. The effect of customer trust on customer loyalty. Customer trust mediates the effect of service quality and hotel image on customer loyalty. The research population is guests who stay at hotels in the city of Gorontalo totaling 671 hotel guests with a research sample of 250 hotel guests. The analytical technique used is descriptive statistics so as to produce the average value (mean) of each indicator. The results showed that hotel customers in Gorontalo City tended to give answers strongly agree that service quality is formed by tangibles, reliability, responsiveness,

Keywords: service quality, hotel image, customer trust and customer loyalty

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19 Innovative Public Policies under VUCA Era (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) ABS-12

Cut Putri Ellyana, M.Si- Prof. Dr. Syafei Ibrahim, M.Si- Dr. Dwi Suharnoko, M.Si

Universitas Merdeka Malang


Business licensing services through the SiCantik Cloud application system Banda Aceh City Investment and One-Stop Services (DPMPTSP). Integrated Licensing Service for the Public). The formulation of the problem 1) How to Implement Licensing and Non-licensing Services Through the SiCantik Cloud Application System at the Banda Aceh DPM-PTSP service. 2) What are the Supporting and Inhibiting Factors in the Implementation of Licensing and Non-licensing Services through the SiCantik Cloud Application System at the Banda Aceh City DPM-PTSP service. Theoretical benefits, to become a design in the embodiment of the SiCantik Cloud application at the Banda Aceh DPMPTSP service. Practical Use expects to be input and consideration in the Implementation of Non-Business Licensing Services Through this Application System. The research was carried out by means of a qualitative descriptive approach through interview techniques, documentation, observation and drawing conclusions, carried out to obtain business licensing services. The results show Non-Business Licensing Services Through this Application System, assuming the applicant^s limited ability to fulfill business licensing and non-licensing documents.

Keywords: Please Just Try to Submit This Sample Abstract

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20 Innovative Public Policies under VUCA Era (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) ABS-45

Budi Rizka (a,b*), Syafei Ibrahim (a), and Kridawati Sadhana (c)

(a) Iskandar Muda University, Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia
(b) Student at Doctoral Program of Social Sciences of Merdeka Malang University, Malang, East Java, Indonesia
* budirizka91[at]gmail.com
(c) Merdeka Malang University, Malang, East Java, Indonesia


Nahdhatul Ulama (NU) College in Aceh is a differentiator from other private universities because it has a complex organizational structure compared to other private universities. Nahdhatul Ulama (NU) college in Aceh apart from having a higher education foundation leader must also synergize with the Nahdhatul Ulama (NU) organization. This is what drives the author^s interest in studying the implementation of the National Higher Education Standards in quality assurance improvement at Nahdhatul Ulama Higher Education in Aceh. In this study, researchers focused on the content and context of policy implementation as well as communication and resources in policy implementation. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Furthermore, the data source used is the results of interviews with informants who serve as primary data and other documents as secondary data. In determining the informants, the researcher used the Purposive Sampling Technique and then the data obtained through interviews and documentation were analyzed using the Interactive Model which follows the flow from Data Collection, Data Display, Data Condensation, and Conclusions. Based on the results of research and findings, there is a discrepancy in the implementation of the National Higher Education Standards at Nahdhatul Ulama College in Aceh, especially in the content section of policy implementation, this is due to the respective interests between the organization and the higher education foundation. On the other hand, the lack of capability and availability of human resources also results in a lack of implementation of the National Higher Education Standards in higher education quality assurance improvement.

Keywords: Policy, Education Policy, Quality Assurance, National Standards for Higher Education

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21 Poverty Alleviation and Reducing Inequalities ABS-30

Infrastructure Development of Village Fund Model of Poverty Eradication in Indonesia
Itha Aning Wahyunie

Universitas Merdeka Malang


Poverty is a problem of global society. Indonesia also faces the same problem. As a developing country, the poor population in Indonesia is also relatively large. The Village Fund was initiated by the government to become an excellent program that is expected to eradicate poverty. Since it was implemented in 2015, until now there have been many problems related to the Village Fund program. This research was conducted to determine the effectiveness of Village Funds in eradicating poverty in Malang Regency, East Java. In addition, research was conducted to analyze the supporting and inhibiting factors for the effectiveness of Village Funds in alleviating poverty. This research used descriptive qualitative methods, with fundraising techniques through observation, in-depth interviews, and document searches. From the research conducted, there has been an increase in infrastructure development in the village through the Village Fund. However, infrastructure improvements have not been effective in reducing the number of poor people. This is driven by the large allocation of Village Funds for infrastructure development, rather than allocations for activities that directly impact the improvement of the people^s economy.

Keywords: Village fund- poverty in the village- infrastructure in Indonesia

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22 Poverty Alleviation and Reducing Inequalities ABS-34

Poverty Increase: Analysis of Government Program Governance and Natural Resources Aspects

Universitas Merdeka Malang


The Indonesian government has spent large sums of money and many programs to eradicate poverty. However, in several regions in Indonesia, the number of poor people has actually increased. As in Central Kalimantan, the poverty rate has continued to increase in the last three years. The number of poor people in Central Kalimantan in 2020 is 132 thousand people, this number has increased to 140 thousand people in 2021, then increases again to 145 thousand in 2022. Research on poverty has also been carried out in Indonesia. However, research comparing poverty caused by natural factors and mismanaged government policies has not been carried out. This research was conducted to analyze poverty in Central Kalimantan, between factors of state policy mismanagement, and natural factors. This research uses a qualitative approach and case study method. Analysis of actor theory and the natural resource curse theory shows that mismanagement of government policies (structural dimension) and nature (natural dimension) are factors that both have a role in increasing poverty in Central Kalimantan. As a practical suggestion, the government needs to make more intense and detailed efforts to eradicate poverty in Central Kalimantan. Each program needs to be studied holistically and discussed with all stakeholders, so that the implementation is more targeted, effective and has a positive impact, is not partial and does not have sectoral ego, and is in accordance with natural conditions.

Keywords: Poverty in Indonesia- poverty programs- poverty management

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23 Poverty Alleviation and Reducing Inequalities ABS-39

Punk Children^s Empowerment in Changing Life Culture and Increasing Income
Aldi Giovanni Romero1, Amirul Mustofa2*), Nihayatus Sholichah3

Dr. Soetomo University


This research aims to empower children Punk by Kampung Seni and Black Dog to change the culture of life and increase income. The reason for carrying out this research is to change society^s negative views toward child culture Punk. This study uses a qualitative approach, with data collected through observation and direct interviews with punk children in Kampung Seni and Black Dog studios. The results of this study are that the empowerment of punk children carried out by studio managers can change the culture of being lazy to work and not having a decent vision and mission in life. Second, the empowerment carried out by the two studios resulted in punk children^s artistic creativity in the form of competitive products that could be traded. Third, punk kids^ creative products can increase their income and, at the same time, change their social status. This research implies that the Government of Sidoarjo Regency can motivate other groups to manage and empower punk or similar children who have not been authorized.

Keywords: Empowerment, Children Punk, Lifestyle, Income

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24 Poverty Alleviation and Reducing Inequalities ABS-43

Economic Empowerment of Widows through the Program of BUMDes Payang Sejahtera Loa Kulu District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency
Syamsu Rial, , , , ,

Universitas Merdeka Malang


The study looks into widows^ pivotal role within the economic and social framework, particularly when they are without a spouse and financial support. Individuals with inadequate education, no discernible skills, and unfavorable financial circumstances will face significant difficulties in their future endeavors.
As part of the BUMDesa (village-owned enterprise) Payang Sejahtera program in Loa Kulu District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, empowering widows is an important step toward improving the family economy. The BUMDesa program helps widows become economically independent by providing financial assistance and training. The goal of this research is to find out how important widows are in maintaining family economic security and how the BUMDesa Payang Sejahtera program can help widows achieve economic independence.
The qualitative method was used in this study to investigate the experiences and perceptions of widows who participated in the BuMDesa program. According to the findings, widows who took part in the program saw an improvement in their financial lives as a result of capital assistance, skill training, and mentoring.
The findings of the study show that active participation in the BUMDesa initiative has a significant and meaningful impact on the economic landscape of families. The participation of widows plays a significant role in advancing family financial stability, a result attributed to the program^s multifaceted efforts. As a result, there is a compelling need to broaden and strengthen the scope of the BUMDesa program, given its potential to serve as a critical tool for advancing gender parity and cultivating an environment of overall economic progress.

Keywords: village-owned business, widow, economic empowerment

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25 Poverty Alleviation and Reducing Inequalities ABS-44

Reducing Poverty Throughout Improving Business Performance of SMEs
Alit Merthayasa (a*), Anwar Sanusi (b), Grahita Chandrarin (b)

a) Universitas Merdeka Malang, Post Graduate Student
*) alitmerthayasa2009[at]gmail.com
b) Universitas Merdeka Malang, Teachers


The Special Region of Yogyakarta Province (DIY) was stated as the poorest province in Java islands by the National statistic. The total number of people below the poverty line is around 463,630 (11.49% of the total population). This study aims to describe and analyze the correlation of the SDGs components related to business strategy and performance of SMEs. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), conceptual were used as essential variables in improving the business performance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to reduce poverty alleviation. The type of this research is explanatory research. The method of the research quantitative method as well as structural equation model (SEM), was used. The number of samples in this study was 170 respondents of SMEs determined by structural equation model (SEM) as the method of analyzing data, which is operated by AMOS. The population is 295 SMEs. The result of this study shows that the most significant influence was stated on business operational strategy to performance of SMEs of 6,365 and the most minor effect was on SDGs economic indicators to business operational strategy of 1,022. In this case, it can be stated that the sustainable development goals (SDGs) have a significant influence on the business operational strategy and business performance of SMEs. For small and medium entrepreneurs in Yogyakarta, seeing SDGs as a development goal will affect their operational business strategy, especially related to economic variables to reduce poverty.

Keywords: Business Performance, Business Strategy, Poverty Alleviation, Small and Medium Enterprise (SMEs), SDGs

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26 Slum Communities and Economics Integration in Cities ABS-41

Execution Of Advancement And Anticipation Strategies Radicalism By The Indonesian Public Armed Force
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This study intends to depict and investigate execution of approaches for cultivating and forestalling radicalism by the Indonesian Armed force in the Provincial Military Order I/BB and different elements empower and frustrate the execution of its strategies Utilizing a subjective methodology with intelligent information investigation procedures the aftereffects of the execution of the principal undertakings and capabilities in preparing and counteraction of Babinsa radicalism is a type of regional direction with strategies for cultivating Territorial Flexibility or Bintahwil, Bhakti TNI and Social Correspondence, comprehension of radicalism, albeit not exhaustively How Babinsa might interpret radicalism appears to have been implanted in the psyche each fighter, their feeling of patriotism is irrefutable particularly their aversion to things that lead to bigotry. Also, The program for encouraging and forestalling radicalism inside the Territorial Military Order I/BB is partitioned into two sections, the first is coordination with related offices like BNPT, Polri, city/town government with society as effort to society and the local area the local area in the climate with respect to radicalism developments in Indonesia and others These two developments from Babinsa itself are generally connected with the Komsos done.
In Internal Resources and limited facilities and infrastructure in Binter is the behavior of most territorial officers in the form of their inability to be good communicators and play themselves as protectors of the community in addition to the target area which is too wide, not balanced with the number of Babinsa and limited facilities. Externally, coordination with relevant agencies, as well as the weak level of education and socio-cultural for the community in the territorial area, the weak coordination and the weak level of education and socio-culture for the community, will affect the prevention of radicalism. This is related to the clarity of information which is closely related to the integrity of clear information, accurate and unambiguous.

Keywords: Anticipation, Prevention, Radicalism

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27 Social Equalities and Green Governance ABS-2

CREATING A COMFORTABLE BOARDING SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT AND FOOD SELF-RELIANCE (Study Of Principal Policy Implementation In Darussalam Guntur Batubara Islamic Boarding School)
Khairuddin Tampubolon, Bonaventura Ngarawula

Universitas Merdeka Malang
Universitas Merdeka Malang


Pasantren was originally conventional, which is specifically studying the field of Islamic science, but in its development now Pasantren has grown into various characters such as modern pasantren, integrated Islamic pasantren and some have even been equated with other Islamic public schools such as Iptidaiyah, Tsanawiyah and Aliyah. The finding of the problem during observation in several pasantren in Medan City and Batubara Regency of North Sumatra is that the life of students is synonymous with simplicity, both lifestyle, food consumption and lack of security of personal belongings so that students often lose such as clothing, money, sandals and other personal property. One of the factors that influence the development and atmosphere of pasantren is the policy of the leader or principal. This research uses qualitative methods, namely by conducting direct interviews with information related to the problems studied. The results showed that the principal^s policy in Pasantren Darussalam Guntur has succeeded in providing feasibility of food consumption through food independence programs and providing security of students^ personal belongings through supervision and punishmen policies.

Keywords: Comfortable Islamic Boarding School Environment - Food Independence - Implementation - Principal^s Policy

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28 Social Equalities and Green Governance ABS-6

Suljatmiko, Bonaventura Ngarawula

Universitas Merdeka Malang


Research on inhibiting global warming through environmental learning in elementary schools and enriching past research on environmental issues. Baims to describe and analyze culture and measure strength in the field on routines using intranet e-learning green computing in environmental schools.
The method in this study used a qualitative approach, in the first research question using interactive analysis by Miles and Huberman, (2014) for the second research question was analyzed using Force Field Analysis Lewin, (1951).
The main finding in this study is to know that the culture and learning routines in schools are still conventional so they still use paper in learning because many teachers still don^t insist on using green computing. Supporting factors are very strong because the facilities and budget are there. If this does not change towards digital transformation, Indonesia^s forests will be used up for paper making. Therefore the solution is to get used to using green computing intranet e-learning in environmental schools. A very great contribution is to prevent global warming.

Keywords: e-learning, environment, culture, computing, green, intranet

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29 Social Equalities and Green Governance ABS-9

Community Social Behavior Toward Posyandu
Dyah Ayu Puspitaningarti, (a*), Bonaventura Ngarawula (b), Catur Wahyudi (c)

Social Science Doctoral Program, Merdeka University, Jalan Terusan Dieng No. 62-64 Klojen, Pisang Candi, Kec. Sukun, Kota Malang


Posyandu is a type of community-based health initiative that is organized and managed by community members with the goal of implementing health improvement, empowering the community, and making it easier for the community to access basic health services, specifically to accelerate maternal and infant mortality reduction. The success rate of reducing infant and maternal mortality depends on the extent to which the community actively participates in Posyandu activities, cooperative and informative to officers, contributes ideas and participates in the implementation of service innovations
This research aims to see how far Posyandu is implemented as it should be in the community, and to understand underlying factors social behavior in society
This is a qualitative study that use descriptive methodologies to explain social behavior of community toward posyandu
The results explain that Posyandu management is heavily reliant on the behavior of those involved in its services, beginning with health workers as service providers and continuing with community leaders and village officials as motivators in strengthening the posyandu because posyandu is organized from, by, for, and with the community to empower the community and provide convenience in obtaining basic health services. On the other side, the behavior of certain people who do not actively support and engage in Posyandu initiatives might have an impact on other communities and produce health problems in the community. Community empowerment is established by motivating elements to enhance family and community health, identifying needs and impediments to health services, and understanding available resources.

Keywords: social behavior, posyandu, community, health behavior

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30 Social Equalities and Green Governance ABS-13

Implementation Of Public Services Curhat Ning Ita Application In Realizing Smart Governance At The Communication And Informatics Department Of Mojokerto City
Tri Prasetijowati, Fatma Indrawati, Fierda Nurany

Study Program in Public Administration, Universitas Bhayangkara Surabaya


This writing is based on the implementation of public services through the Curhat Ning Ita application in realizing Smart Governance at the Department of Communication and Informatics in Mojokerto city. However, it has not met the expectations of the public due to the application being relatively new and a lack of socialization regarding the proper use of the complaint service. This has led to the public filing personal issues instead of public service complaints. Additionally, there are still some individuals who are unaware of the existence of this complaint service, and issues such as slow server and maintenance problems have hindered the handling of urgent complaints. The objective of this writing is to analyze the implementation of public services through the Curhat Ning Ita application in realizing Smart Governance at the Department of Communication and Informatics in Mojokerto city, as well as the supporting and inhibiting factors of its implementation. This paper utilizes qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The research was conducted at the Department of Communication and Informatics in Mojokerto city. Data collection techniques included interviews with informants, documentation, surveys, and the utilization of written documents. The data was analyzed through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The research findings indicate that (1) the implementation of public services through Curhat Ning Ita application in realizing Smart Governance at the Department of Communication and Informatics in Mojokerto city, as measured using Zeithamal and Parasuramans service quality theory and the concept of Smart Governance from the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, has been successful. (2) The supporting factors of the implementation of public services through the Curhat Ning Ita application at the Department of Communication and Informatics in Mojokerto city include infrastructure facilities, easy access, budgetary support, and support from the local government. However, there are still some obstacles in the implementation, such as the manual input of public service complaint data and the need for improvement in socialization, particularly among the younger generation. Inconclusion, the Department of Communication and Informatics in Mojokerto city has successfully realized Smart Governance through the Curhat Ning Ita application for public services.

Keywords: Services, Application, Smart, Governance

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