Cut Putri Ellyana, M.Si- Prof. Dr. Syafei Ibrahim, M.Si- Dr. Dwi Suharnoko, M.Si

Universitas Merdeka Malang


Business licensing services through the SiCantik Cloud application system Banda Aceh City Investment and One-Stop Services (DPMPTSP). Integrated Licensing Service for the Public). The formulation of the problem 1) How to Implement Licensing and Non-licensing Services Through the SiCantik Cloud Application System at the Banda Aceh DPM-PTSP service. 2) What are the Supporting and Inhibiting Factors in the Implementation of Licensing and Non-licensing Services through the SiCantik Cloud Application System at the Banda Aceh City DPM-PTSP service. Theoretical benefits, to become a design in the embodiment of the SiCantik Cloud application at the Banda Aceh DPMPTSP service. Practical Use expects to be input and consideration in the Implementation of Non-Business Licensing Services Through this Application System. The research was carried out by means of a qualitative descriptive approach through interview techniques, documentation, observation and drawing conclusions, carried out to obtain business licensing services. The results show Non-Business Licensing Services Through this Application System, assuming the applicant^s limited ability to fulfill business licensing and non-licensing documents.

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Topic: Innovative Public Policies under VUCA Era (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity)

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