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Gibran Karaman (a*), Mohamad Alfia Qotadah (a), Wulandari Dwipuspita (a), Teguh Suratman (b)

a) Undergraduate student at the Faculty of Law, University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
b) Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia


The world has been shocked by the great tragedy that occurred in Indonesia. A dark tragedy that arguably entered the history of the world. Many victims and lives were lost in the Kanjuruhan Tragedy, the incident killed 135 people. The purpose of this study is to find out how the regulations regarding Class Action lawsuit attempts. To achieve justice, victims and their families need to get their fulfillment of victims rights. This legal research is in the form of fact-based literature that emphasizes a scientific research procedure to find truth based on legal scientific logic from its normative side using the statute approach and Conceptual Approach methods by reviewing and analyzing provisions regarding rules that can be related to analyzing Class Action lawsuit attempt in The tragedy of Kanjuruhan Malang. The class action suit is a civil lawsuit filed by a group of people who have an interest in a similar problem, either one or more of their members to sue or be sued as representative of the group without any members of the group being involved directly in the judicial process. This study concludes the application of class action lawsuits in the tragedy of Kanjuruhan Malang, in connection with this, there is the benefit of a class action lawsuit in consumer disputes in court, but to fight for their rights, the principle litigants with simple, fast, and the determinants that be a reason to be an eligible class action, both in practice as well as in its implementation.

Keywords: Class Action- Lawsuit- Rights- Tragedy Kanjuruhan Malang

Topic: Democracy, Local Politics and Protecting Natural Resources

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