Felik Sad Windu Wisnu Broto, SS., M.Hum

Universitas Merdeka Malang


The Semar is very famous in Javanese leather puppet performances. Semar is one of the shadow puppet characters who has a very distinctive and unique role and character. The character Semar only exists in wayang stories in Indonesia. The character of Semar never appears in the Mahabarata or Ramayana stories in India. Semar in wayang appears as a fair and wise character. Semar becomes a compass for wayang characters who are experiencing confusion in determining the direction of truth. There have been many researchers who have discussed the character of Semar in their studies. In this study, researchers will examine Semar^s philosophical values in relation to leadership. Leadership is a person^s ability to influence others to achieve good goals. To influence others, a leader needs a value. What values are still relevant for leadership today from the perspective of Semar^s philosophy? This research uses the library research method where researchers will examine various literature from previous research, books and discussion materials regarding Semar^s philosophical values in leadership. The results of the study show that Semar has a unique view of leadership. Semar has philosophical values that are very relevant for today^s leadership. These philosophical values include 1) Humility, 2) Justice, 3) Wisdom, 4) Solidarity, 5) Hard Work, 6) Unity and 7) Common Good.

Keywords: Justice, Common Good, Leadership, Semar, Solidarity.

Topic: Democracy, Local Politics and Protecting Natural Resources

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