Innovative Government pada PDAM Surya Sembada Kota Surabaya dalam meningkatkan pelayanan prima
Tri Prasetijowati , Fierda Nurany, Lintang Kusuma

Program Studi Administrasi Publik, Universitas Bhayangkara Surabaya
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik


The service provided by the Surabaya City Water Supply Company (PDAM) is still considered suboptimal, resulting in numerous complaints from the public. To improve this situation, an innovative service from the government is needed. The innovation provided should align with the conditions and customer complaints. As PDAM is a Local Government-Owned Enterprise, it is closely related to the local government, making government innovation crucial. This research aims to identify the implementation of innovative government in PDAM Surya Sembada, Surabaya. The research adopts a qualitative descriptive method. The subjects of the study are the residents of Surabaya who are customers of PDAM Surya Sembada Surabaya and the employees of PDAM Surya Sembada Surabaya. The object of the study is the service quality. Data collection techniques include interviews and documentation, which are analyzed descriptively. The findings of this research indicate that PDAM Surya Sembada, Surabaya, has implemented innovative government, which includes service digitalization and workflow systems. PDAM Surabaya utilizes the Customer Information System (CIS) application to facilitate customer reporting, payment, and new installation registration. PDAM Surabaya^s innovative government has met eight indicators: increased efficiency, improved effectiveness, enhanced service quality, absence of research conflicts, public-oriented, conducted transparently, aligns with decision values, and accountable for results. The human resources of PDAM Surabaya are highly competent but face challenges in building communication with the community. The facilities and infrastructure of PDAM Surabaya meet the standards but require additional transportation vehicles. The information technology of PDAM Surabaya is at an optimal level with service and workflow digitalization. However, it still faces obstacles in manually obtaining permits from the local government, which is time-consuming.

Keywords: Innovative, Government, PDAM, Service, Digitalization

Topic: Cities and Digital Revolution Aligning Technology and Humanity

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