^Public Policy Evaluation of PNS/ASN Village Secretary^s Placement Pull Up^ (Based on Regional Regulation No. 3 of 2023 Tulungagung Regency)
Danang Catur Budi Utomo, Bonaventura Ngarawula

Universitas Merdeka Malang


After Village Law No. 6 of 2014 exists, significantly the existence of the ASN Village Secretary is disturbed. ASN Village Secretary from the Regional Government entrusted and also appointed from the Village Apparatus. All must be in their landlord^s habitat or in a position that has a vacancy in the Regional Government.
This unique and interesting problem is the bargaining point of this research, and on the other hand the village secretary is the spearhead and coordinator of government administration in the village.
It is not intended to interfere with the existing Village autonomy, but to emphasize more on aspects that are coordinative and constructive in orderly administration of the bureaucracy in the Village Administration. Seeing the importance and magnitude of the responsibility of the Village Secretary, the ability and professionalism of the Village Secretary must be increased, not weakened. The position and placement of the PNS/ASN Village Secretariat as one of the efforts to improve the administrative management of the Village Government bureaucracy.
In the absence of standard rules regarding PNS/ASN Village Secretaries, so if each district area makes regional regulations or Regent regulations to regulate the existence and position of Village Secretaries with PNS/ASN status who are currently still active, mutations must be carried out to the local government administration environment without regard to norms If the law is clear, then the transfer policy is very prone to becoming a polemic and a lawsuit to the State Administrative Court.

Keywords: Please Just Try to Submit This Sample Abstract

Topic: Democracy, Local Politics and Protecting Natural Resources

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