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CREATING A COMFORTABLE BOARDING SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT AND FOOD SELF-RELIANCE (Study Of Principal Policy Implementation In Darussalam Guntur Batubara Islamic Boarding School)
Khairuddin Tampubolon, Bonaventura Ngarawula

Universitas Merdeka Malang
Universitas Merdeka Malang


Pasantren was originally conventional, which is specifically studying the field of Islamic science, but in its development now Pasantren has grown into various characters such as modern pasantren, integrated Islamic pasantren and some have even been equated with other Islamic public schools such as Iptidaiyah, Tsanawiyah and Aliyah. The finding of the problem during observation in several pasantren in Medan City and Batubara Regency of North Sumatra is that the life of students is synonymous with simplicity, both lifestyle, food consumption and lack of security of personal belongings so that students often lose such as clothing, money, sandals and other personal property. One of the factors that influence the development and atmosphere of pasantren is the policy of the leader or principal. This research uses qualitative methods, namely by conducting direct interviews with information related to the problems studied. The results showed that the principal^s policy in Pasantren Darussalam Guntur has succeeded in providing feasibility of food consumption through food independence programs and providing security of students^ personal belongings through supervision and punishmen policies.

Keywords: Comfortable Islamic Boarding School Environment - Food Independence - Implementation - Principal^s Policy

Topic: Social Equalities and Green Governance

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