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Transformational Leadership in Village-Owned Enterprises Development
Aizah Dien Putri Ambarizki1, Nur Wahyuni2, Wildan Taufik Raharja3, Lunariana Lubis4

Universitas Hang Tuah


The government encourages villages to be more independent in managing their economy in order to reduce the economic gap between villages and cities. One of the efforts is the development of Village-Owned Enterprises (VOE) Development. The existence of VOE can change the economy and welfare of the village community. Leadership is one of the success factors in managing an organization. This happened in Suruh Village which has succeeded in developing VOE. The aim of this research is to analyze Transformational Leadership in the development of VOE. The research method used qualitative with a case study strategy. This research analyzes Transformational Leadership with the following aspects: idealistic influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual attention. Data was obtained from observation, interviews and documentation. Research informants consisted of heads and employees of VOE. The research results show that the head of VOE has transformational leadership characteristics, so that VOE can develop well. Transformational leadership is still relevant in managing VOE.

Keywords: Transformational Leadership, Village-Owned Enterprises, Trenggalek

Topic: Democracy, Local Politics and Protecting Natural Resources

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