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Planning of Bicycle Lane as Sustainable Transportation to Support Post Pandemic Adaptation in Cimahi City
Agah Muhammad Mulyadi (a*), Anisa Mardiyanti (b), Sally Nuraeni (b), Fairuz Albi Asyahari (b), Aldo Organami (b), Hanafi (b)

a) Regional Development Planning, Research, and Development Agency of Cimahi
Jalan Rd Demang Hardjakusumah, Tower B Level 3, Cimahi 40513
b) Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, University of General Achmad Yani
Jalan Terusan Jend. Sudirman, Cibeber, Cimahi 40513


Bicycles is an environmentally friendly and sustainable mode of transportation to reduce the impact of global warming. There is a regulation of Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning road traffic and transportation which requires every road to be equipped with a bicycle lane. The existence of bicycle lanes is intended to provide safety and comfort for cyclists on the road and also to encourage people to use bicycles. The use of bicycles became a boom during the Covid-19 pandemic because cycling is an outdoor activity that is considered safer and healthier. Cimahi City as a part of the Greater Bandung area has also seen an increase in bicycle users. However, currently in Cimahi City there are no bicycle lanes so that the needs of cyclists are not accommodated. The aims of this research are (1) planning bicycle lane routes in Cimahi City, (2) planning types of bicycle lane, and (3) comparing various bicycle lane route planning methods. Data collection for bicycle lanes was carried out on two routes. Planning on alternative route 1 along 7,712 km on 11 roads. Meanwhile, planning for alternative route 2 along 4.79 km includes 4 roads. The method of assessing bicycle route planning in this study uses 7 principles of bicycle lane route network issued by FHWA (Federal Highway Administration). In addition, the design criteria for selecting the types of bicycle lane used the Cycling Facility Design Guidelines from the Ministry of Public Works and Housing. The results of the analysis show that alternative route 1 is better than alternative 2 with a score of 79.93 and 68.19, respectively. Most bicycle lanes are recommended to use type A, which is a bicycle lane that is physically protected by using planter boxes. There are 4 methods of determining bicycle route routes that have been implemented abroad and all of them focus on the safety, safety and comfort aspects of cyclists.

Keywords: Bicycles lane- Cycling routes- Types of bicycles lane- Sustainable transportation- Cimahi city

Topic: Civil Engineering

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