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The Construction of Reality of Media Regarding Ustadz Abdul Somats Refusal to Enter Singapore for Vacation
Agustinus Rustanta, Gabriella Novianty Soedjarwo, Berlianda Ciputri, Hendra Alfani

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi dan Sekretari Tarakanita, Jakarta


The construction of reality by the media can give certain effects according to the objective of the media itself. The rejection of Ustadz Abdul Somat to visi Singapore was not something extraordinary, especially since he did not come to represent an institution or government. The purpose of this study was to analyze how the media ( and framed the case of not allowing Abdul Somat to visit Singapore. The text of the news by the two online media on 16-23 May 2022 became the primary data for this research. The data were then analyzed using the framing analysis method by Pan & Kosicki. The findings of this study indicate that the two online media and differ in constructing reality. is more neutral, by prioritizing information from the authorities why and how Abdul Somat was not allowed to enter Singapore. Meanwhile tends to construct these communication events with a provocative tone. constructs reality by describing the position and situation of Abdul Somat who is less honorable in Singapore.

Keywords: Framing, Reality, Construct, News

Topic: Communication and Multimedia

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