The Silent Language of Political Communication of President Putin Agustinus Rustanta, Hendra Alfani, Koesmaryanto Oetomo, Karin Gultom
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi dan Sekretari Tarakanita
The delivery of messages in political communication is various. One of them was President Putin^s political communication when he received a diplomatic visit from other Presidents, including when he was visited by President Joko Widodo some time ago. The messages sent and received by these two important people provoked different perceptions by the public. The extreme distance between President Putin and other Heads of State is interesting to analyze. The purpose of this study is to analyze the distance (proxemics) of communication between two heads of state, both to President Jokowi and other Heads of State. Data, pictures, were collected from newspapers. Photographs showing the communication distance between President Putin and other heads of state were analyzed using symbol theory and distance and territorial theory. This research shows that President Putin has a different way of welcoming and engaging himself when communicating with other country^s leaders. This non-verbal way of conveying messages shows both power and respect for the interlocutor.
Keywords: Communication, Proxemic, Symbol, Non-verbal communication