Compliance of Standards for Pedestrian Facilities in Cimahi City Based on Pedestrian Technical Guidelines
Agah Muhammad Mulyadi (a*), Fitri Yulia Rahmawati (b), Sidik Baitul Rochmat (b), Casare Adi Nugraha (b), Lulu Qonita Lutfiya (b), Ferry Rusgiyarto (b)

a) Regional Development Planning, Research, and Development Agency of Cimahi
Jalan Rd Demang Hardjakusumah, Tower B Level 3, Cimahi 40513
b) Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, University of General Achmad Yani
Jalan Terusan Jend. Sudirman, Cibeber, Cimahi 40513


Pedestrian facilities are one element of the urban transportation system in order to create a pedestrian friendly city. Sidewalks must be designed to meet the standards in pedestrian technical guidelines. Cimahi City is part of the Greater Bandung Region so that the characteristics of the city are urban characteristics which require adequate pedestrian facilities, especially in the city center. Aim of this study was to evaluate pedestrian facilities in the Gandawijaya and Cimahi City Square areas based on existing technical guidelines. The technical guidelines used to evaluate pedestrian facilities are based on (1) Regulation of the Minister of Public Works Number 03/PRT/M/2014, and (2) Technical Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities Number Pd 03-2017-B from the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing. Assessment of pedestrian facilities based on these two technical guidelines uses 19 assessment indicators that must be met by pedestrian facilities. The nineteen indicators are grouped into four aspects, namely: (1) security aspect, (2) comfort aspect, (3) accessibility aspect, (4) aesthetic aspect, (5) connectivity aspect, and (6) supporting facilities aspect. In the Gandawijaya area, there are 3 aspects that have an assessment above 50%, most of which have met technical compliance, i.e (1) security aspects, (2) comfort aspects, and (3) aesthetic aspects. These three aspects have technical compliance values with the guidelines of 66.67%, 100%, and 66.67%, respectively. Meanwhile, in the Alun-alun area, none of the aspects has a value of technical compliance above 50%, which describes that most of the indicators cannot be met. The six aspects have technical compliance values by 25%, 25%, 25%, 50%, 25%, and 0% respectively. All in all, the supporting aspects are aspects that cannot meet the technical standard guidelines for all indicators. While the aspects of comfort and aesthetic aspects are aspects that can meet some of the technical standards of the guidelines.

Keywords: Cimahi City- pedestrian facilities- pedestrian guidelines- sidewalk- technical standards

Topic: Civil Engineering

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