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Triple Filter Test a Simple Technique Preventing The Spread of HOAX
Henri Septanto, Ari Hidayatullah, Ryani Dhyan Parashakti

Universitas Dian Nusantara


HOAX is a fake news or false information which is one of the easiest forms of Cyber Crime, without the need to have high competence in the field of Information Technology, someone or even anyone can be a HOAX spreader. Even though HOAX is easy to do and seems simple, but it is inversely proportional to the effect it causes, if a country ignores it and does not take steps to anticipate the unity and integrity of a nation, it can be torn apart through HOAX. To fight HOAX requires the cooperation of various parties and anticipatory steps that must be taken. The government with its power and authority through its agencies will not be able to fight HOAX without the help of other parties, including in this case people who live in the information age. The Triple Filter Test method is a simple step that can be taken to filter information in anticipation of the spread of HOAX. Triple Filter Test is a method for filtering information by testing the correctness of information, seeing the goodness of information and looking for the benefits of information. Even though it is simple, the Triple Filter Test method is a powerful way to anticipate the spread of HOAX if it is carried out consistently and systematically by involving various interested parties, the spread of HOAX will be well anticipated.

Keywords: HOAX, Cyber Crime, Triple Filter Test, Information Technology

Topic: Computer Science

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