Application of Intensive Technology Farming System Based on Soil Quality to Enhance Rice Field Productivity of Rice Estate Communities Latief Mahir Rachman (a*), Amiruddin Saleh (b), Johan David Wetik (b), Palahudin (b), Ardiana (b), Wahyu OS (b)
a) Department of Soil Science and Land Resource, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University
Jalan Meranti, Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia
b) Center of Human Resource Development-Research Institutions and Community Service (P2SDM-LPPM), IPB University
Kampus IPB Baranangsiang, Bogor 16153, Indonesia
Recent-conventional cultivation technology has been proven not effective to drive rice-field productivity growth. The failure of achieving the national average productivity of 6 ton/ha suggests the need to spur of agricultural revitalization system with intensive cultivation technology. One of the alternatives is intensive technology package that combines using of paddy variety of more than 500 grains/punicle, high-population domino cultivation system, and customizable fertilization system based on the soil quality and production target. Ideally, the production target can be estimated through analyzing the cultivation system used related to population crop density, paddy variety used, and application of the fertilization recommendation system. The low-cost agricultural cultivation system should changing into a high production target and high-profit system through the use of the intensive technology package. Pilot testing results in some demonstration plots and demonstration farms of rice estate communities (in some regencies in East Java, Central Java, West Java and South Sumatera Provinces achieved the expected targets. Majority, the high paddy productivity was achieved, even in some areas exceeded 10 ton/ha, depending on the soil quality, paddy variety used, cultivation pattern system used, and the fertilizer dosage applied.