A Quality Decrease Profile Of Nano Concentrate Protein Dispersion Product Of Snakehead Fish (Channa striata) Nurul Fathanah (a*), Meta Mahendradatta (b), Muhammad Asfar (b)
a) Department of Agricultural Technology, Hasanuddin University Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan No.KM.10, Makassar 90245, Indonesia
The colloidal of nano concentrate snakehead fish protein was a product made from nano concentrate protein with the addition of honey and then modified with various natural ingredients without preservatives. To find out the decrease in quality that occur in the product during the storage process, various tests and identification of microbes were carried out. This study aimed to determine the quality degradation that occured at various temperatures during storage and identify the microbes that caused damage to the colloidal product. The research design was carried out by storing samples at3 different temperatures, namely cold temperatures of (10oC), room temperature (28oC), and extreme/hot temperatures (45oC). After that the samples were analyzed every 3 days by microbiological testing of TPC, organoleptic (odor and color) scoring method with graded scale (scale 9), re-dispersibility and viscosity.The test results showed that the decrease in quality of colloidal protein concentrate of snakehead fish with the addition of honey at a temperature of 10oC occurred on the 21st day at the total plate count parameter of 6.9 log cfu/ml has reached the safe threshold for food products that can be consumed. The decrease in the quality of colloidal nano products at a temperature of 28oC decreased on the 6th day with a total plate count of 6.1 log cfu/ml and the odor with a score of (4.33) was not accepted by the panelists. The decrease in the quality of colloidal nano products concentrate of snakehead fish protein at a temperature of 45oC decreased in the 3rd day with a total plate count of 5 log cfu/ml, odor on the 6th day with a score of (3.71), and color with a score of (4.17). The results of microbiological identification showed Bacillus coagulans made the decrease of the product quality relatively quickly because the product will experience clumping on the surface at room temperature storage and fermentation occurs and produces lactic acid.
Keywords: Colloid, nano concentrated from Snakehead fish protein, Storage Temperature