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E-Service Quality at the First Movers on Sustainable Banking in Indonesia
Cici Cintyawati*, Asni Mustika Rani, Asri Nuranisa Dewi

Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Islam Bandung
Jalan Tamansari No. 24, Bandung 40116, Indonesia


This study aims to evaluate the quality of mobile banking services at banks classified as The First Mover on Sustainable Banking. Quantitative method using questionnaires was conducted to explore dominant dimensions that affect the quality of mobile banking services at banks. In total, there are 16 e-service quality dimensions with 28 indicators used to then be analyzed by the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). The IPA result reveals top five dimensions of e-service quality need to be improved, like communication, security, speed, diverse mobile application service features, and competence dimensions. The indicators of those dimensions are clear answers, login security, timely up-to-date information, diverse mobile application features, diverse m-banking services, and the ability to develop m-banking apps. This result supported by the existence of gap among the quality of mobile banking services with customers^ expectation. This result give recommendations to banks to improve their e-service quality performance to meet customer expectations so banks can enhance their competitive advantages. At the end, it is expected to support banks in achieving their sustainable development goals.

Keywords: E-service quality- Sustainable banking- Sustainable development- Importance performance analysis

Topic: Economic

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