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The Role Of Immigration In Preventing Criminal Acts Of Terrorism In An Effort To Realize National Sovereignty
Dini Dewi Heniarti, Oentoeng Wahjoe, Anita Puspitawati

Universitas Islam Bandung


In some criminal cases there are indications of involvement in several aspects of the immigration function. Namely the issuance of passports, border control, supervision of foreigners, and the issuance of visas and residence permits. Immigration has an important role in the traffic of both Indonesian citizens and foreigners who leave and enter and carry out activities in the territory of Indonesia, which has the potential to endanger the country. The development of threats leads to crimes against humanity and civilization. This is a serious threat to the security and property of the state. Therefore, immigration through the immigration office and immigration intelligence has an important role in eradicating crime in an effort to protect the country.

Keywords: immigration, terrorism. national souverignity

Topic: Law and Ethic

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Dini Dewi Heniarti)

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