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How Gen Z Trust in Sources of Information Related to Covid-19
Arba^iyah Satriani, Andalusia Neneng P., Ratri Rizki K

Universitas Islam Bandung


The pattern of media consumption in Indonesia has recently become more complex with the advent of the internet. Generation Z or Gen Z is the most technologically literate group of people today and is the youngest generation with an age range of 10-24 years. The aim of this study is to determine the components of media literacy among university students in the context of personality development in accordance with Islamic values which is called tabayyun in seeking information. This study uses a qualitative method with a net-ethnographic approach by distributing a questionnaire to more than 100 university students in many cities in Indonesia. From the result of the questionnaire, 20 students then are asked to join a focus group discussion (FGD) to sharpen their asnwer in the questionnaire. From this research, it is known that Gen Z accesses digital media or online media as their main source of information. According to the Gen Z, the news portals that can be trusted are, and The main reason is that Tempo and Kompas tend to be outspoken in their reporting. Another reason is because both of them are reputable media so that they can be trusted.

Keywords: Gen Z, Sources of information, Covid-19

Topic: Media, Journalism, and Information

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