Hajj Fund Investment in Indonesia According to Islamic Law and National Law Siska Lis Sulistiani, Udin Saripudin, Intan Nurrachmi
Sharia Faculty, Universitas islam Bandung
This study aims to determine the investment of Hajj funds in Indonesia which has a value that is not small, so that from the large number of deposits in Islamic banks it has the potential to be invested in other sectors that do not conflict with Islamic law and national law, and can generate other benefits from the funds. that. This study uses a normative juridical method, using primary legal data sources in the form of laws and regulations, the Qur^an, hadith and other legal rules, as well as secondary legal sources such as journals and related books. Data were collected by literature study method and analyzed using descriptive analysis method. The results of this study indicate that investment in Hajj funds can be carried out in several financial and infrastructure sectors in accordance with applicable regulations, both Islamic law and national law to achieve greater benefit.