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Sufficient Conditions of the Multiplication of Two M_&#945- Integrable Functionslease Just Try to Submit This Sample Abstract
Christiana Rini Indrati

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada,
Sekip Utara Yogyakarta, 55281, Indonesia


In this research, it will be discussed sufficient conditions of the multiplication of two functions to be M_&#945--integrable on [a,b]. In Lebesgue integral, the sufficient conditions involve bounded variation condition. It will be constructed the associated condition of the bounded variation in characterizing the primitive of the M_&#945- integral. The constructed bounded variation will also be used to characterize the primitive of the M_&#945-integrable functions.

Keywords: M_&#945--integrable, multiplication, sufficient conditions, and bounded variation.

Topic: Minisymposia Measure and Integration Theory

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