Structure of Generalized Vector Metric Spaces
D. Vinsensia(1), E .Herawati(2*),Supama(3), S.Suwilo(4)

(1) Graduate School of Mathematics, Universitas Sumatera Utara Medan 20155, Indonesia.
(1) Manajemen Informatics,STMIK Pelita Nusantara, Medan, Indonesia, desivinsensia87[at]
(2*,4) Department of Mathematics, Universitas Sumatera Utara Medan 20155, Indonesia
*elvina[at], (4) Saib Suwilo
(4) Department of Mathematics,Gadjah Mada University,Yogyakarta, supama[at]


In this paper, we propose a general idea the distance of three point which generalized the Riesz space valued called GE -metric space. Fundamental properties and several examples for GE-metric are given. Moreover, the convergence of sequences on GE-metric and topology on GE-metric are studied.

Keywords: Generalized vector metric Space- Riesz space- Convergence-Topology

Topic: Functional Analysis

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